Get Stoked for GoPro 酷炫多功能攝影機 —— GoPro 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 In 2002, Nick Woodman was surfing in Australia and became frustrated that there was no cost-efficient way to take high-quality action shots of his surfing. He wanted a reasonably priced camera that could get up close and capture professional angles. It was this desire that inspired the creation of GoPro. Adventurers and extreme sports enthusiasts have used this little camera on the tops of mountains or at the bottom of the ocean. On YouTube, the GoPro channel has a variety of videos, which feature many people using GoPro in a lot of different ways. Whether it is playing catch with a friend, doing a back flip on a bicycle, or even catching a rare glimpse of a killer whale, this camera has seen it all. 2002 年時,尼克•伍德曼在澳洲衝浪時變得很沮喪,因 為沒有符合成本效益的方式可以讓他拍下高品質的衝浪活動鏡 頭。他想要一台能近距離捕捉專業角度且價格合理的攝影機。 就是這樣的渴望激發了 GoPro 攝影機的誕生。 冒險家和極限運動愛好者會帶著這台小攝影機上山下海來 拍攝。在 YouTube 上,GoPro 頻道裡有各式各樣的影片,內 容主要是許多人以很多不同的方式來使用 GoPro。無論是和朋 友玩丟接球,在腳踏車上後空翻,或者甚至是捕捉虎鯨的驚鴻 一瞥,這台攝影機都能全部拍下來。 |