2024/02/15 05:30
A restaurant in the US is charging some of its customers for their inability to control their children while they dine there.
Hidden away at the bottom of its menu, the Toccoa Riverside Restaurant tells its diners of its "adult surcharge," and adds: "No respect, no service."
Kyle Landmann left a review online, and said: "The owner came out and told me he was adding $50 to my bill because of my children’s behaviour. "My kids watched a tablet until the food arrived, ate their food and my wife took them outside while I waited and paid the bill."
His wife, Lyndsey Landmann said :"The kids were being so good. I even commented halfway through the meal: "I can’t believe how well-behaved they are."
Mrs Landmann claimed the owner said their children were "being too loud" and "running around outside".
surcharge:名詞或動詞,附加費;額外收費。例句:A surcharge will be made for consultation outside business hours.(辦公時間以外的諮詢服務將收取額外費用。)
well-behaved:形容詞,有禮的、行為端正的。例句:Well-behaved kids would be given more candies at the end of the class.(表現良好的孩子在下課時會拿到更多糖果。)
英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1630705