Dancing Queen
The day Holland turns a bright shade of orange is Queen’s Day, celebrated on either the 29th or the 30th of April. This is a national holiday held in honor of Queen Juliana, who was born in 1909 and lived until 2004. The much-loved queen’s birthday is a day when the Dutch adopt the color of the royal family any way they can. People paint their faces orange, dye their hair orange, wear orange clothing, or put on orange crowns.
The national drink, the orange bitter, is also popular on Queen’s Day. There are music performances and street parties, too. Listen and you might hear people singing Het Wilhelmus, a song all about William of Orange, a hero of the Dutch people. If orange is your color, be sure to head over to Holland this month and check out the festivities.
荷蘭變成亮橘色的那天就是女王節,在四月二十九日或四月三十日慶祝該節。這是為了紀念朱利安納女王的國定假日,女王生於 1909 年並活到 2004 年。這位備受愛戴的女王生日正是荷蘭人在這一天以任何方式採用皇室家庭的顏色。人們將他們的臉畫成橘色、把他們的頭髮染成橘色、穿橘色的衣服或戴上橘色的皇冠。