在寫 business email 的時候,
還好有翻譯大師軟體可以幫忙, 但對方還是看不懂我的意思?!
腦中浮現好幾個背過的單字, 中文翻譯的意思都一樣, 在這句話中到底要用哪一個才恰當呢?
單字和片語我都背的很熟, 但…... 他們的排列組合….. 我這樣放….. 正確嗎?
不用太擔心, 這樣子的經驗是很正常的, 因為一般大家的學習方式已經習慣被餵(填鴨) 及以文法翻譯的方式來學習. 這種學習方式對於應付考試是有效的, 只要有背, 看了題目, 就會選答案a 或 b 或c 或 d.
但真正要應用的時候, 以文法翻譯的方式, 就不難解釋為什麼我們說出口、寫出來的 Chinglish 別人很不容易了解的情況了. 試想: 若說台語的時候, 有人用普通話直接翻譯的方式說出, 是不是很可愛呢? 私下朋友之間耍可愛罷了, 在公事上與同事、上級單位、客戶耍可愛對自己的專業表現有幫助嗎?
以下介紹9個常用的句子, 幫助大家在寫正式business email 時可以很有效率地確實表達出自己的意思及意見.
試著填填看: 從以下的動詞列表中, 有哪些是可以通用在同一個句子當中的?
1. We regret to __________ you that the item you ordered is no longer available.
2. We _____________ a rise of 50% in the next twelve months.
3. We would like to _____________ a discount in our next order.
4. Could we _____________ using a different delivery company next time?
5. I am sorry to __________ that negotiations broke down.
6. I _____________ you that the same problem will not occur again.
7. I am writing to you to ___________ about the late delivery of my parcel.
8. We would like to _____________ a solution to your time management problems – the new Super Scheduler.
9. Did I ___________ that I visited your hometown while I was in England?
- 1. acknowledge
- 2. admit
- 3. agree on
- 4. agree to
- 5. ask for
- 6. assure
- 7. bring up
- 8. complain
- 9. concede
- 10. confirm
- 11. decide
- 12. deny
- 13. discuss
- 14. emphasize
- 15. explain
- 16. guarantee
- 17. inform
- 18. insist on
- 19. introduce
- 20. mention
- 21. offer
- 22. outline
- 23. point out
- 24. predict
- 25. propose
- 26. raise
- 27. recommend
- 28. refuse
- 29. report
- 30. request
- 31. stress
- 32. suggest
- 33. summarize
1. inform/ I’m afraid the item…
2. predict/ We think that it will rise by 50% in the next 12 months
3. request/ Could we possibly have a discount on our next order?
4. suggest/ We think that it might be better to use…
5. report/ I’m afraid the negotiations broke down.
6. assure/ You can rest assured that the problem will not occur again.
7. complain/ Unfortunately, my parcel did not arrive on time.
8. propose/ Problems with time management? How about trying the new Super Scheduler?
9. mention/ By the way, I visited your hometown while I was in England.
這幾個字都是很簡單且常見的動作, 把他們用在你的 business email 中, 不但幫助你輕鬆表達意思, 你的整個專業度也借用精簡的表達大大提升哦!
接下來列出的是其它常用的動詞適合使用的情境, 看看在你的工作中經常出現的情境有哪些:
- 1. acknowledge – We acknowledge that there were problems with the Beta version (回覆收到Responding to complaints)
- 2. admit – I must admit to surprised at the demand for the iPad. (承認疏失Talking about mistakes)
- 3. agree on – We all seem to agree on the need for change, it’s just what kind of change that there are some different views on (主持會議或需達成共識 Chairing a difficult meeting)
- 4. agree to – We will agree to sale or return if you double your order (談判時同意Negotiating)
- 5. ask for – We would like to ask for a little more time to fulfill the last order (提出要求Request)
- 6. bring up – Can I bring up the production problems now? (提出想法Starting a new topic or going off topic in a business meeting)
- 7. concede – I concede that it will not help our finances in the short term (承認、退讓Admitting that there are weaknesses in your argument when disagreeing with someone)
- 8. confirm – Could you please confirm the agreement in writing as soon as possible? (近談判近尾聲時做個確認Near the end of a negotiation)
- 9. decide – We have decided to order 200 to start with, with more orders dependent on how well those sell (談判之後表達決議After a negotiation and reporting back to your company)
- 10. deny – We strongly deny any wrongdoing on our part (強烈的用字來表達否定A very strong reply to a complaint)
- 11. discuss – I’ll discuss it with my boss and get back to you in the next couple of days (談判近尾聲時的留個迂迴空間At the end of a negotiation)
- 12. emphasize – I really can’t emphasize enough how much of an improvement the new version is (銷售時表達強調Sales talk)
- 13. explain – Please let me explain our reasoning (談判時提供多一些資料Negotiating)
- 14. guarantee – We guarantee that a service engineer will arrive within three hours (銷售時表達保證Sales talk)
- 15. insist on – I’m afraid I must insist on the same terms as last time (談判時表達堅持的立場Negotiating)
- 16. introduce – Please allow me to introduce my colleague… (介紹人、事、物)
- 17. offer – We would like to offer you a further discount on your next order (提供Responding to complaints)
- 18. outline – Let me outline our position (表達大綱Starting a negotiation)
- 19. point out – I should perhaps point out that all voice recorders have the same issues (指出Responding to complaints)
- 20. raise – Can I raise the issue of quality control? (提出尚未提到的議題Changing topic in a meeting)
- 21. recommend – I would recommend bringing in a consultant (有想法並提出建議Brainstorming in a meeting)
- 22. refuse – I refuse to accept that (是個強烈的用字來表達不同意Strong disagreement)
- 23. stress – I must stress that none of our other suppliers used that as an excuse (強調Strong complaint)
- 24. summarize – To summarize, today's meeting has provided us a road map for the year (要做總結的時候Make conclusion)