Standing as one of the tallest buildings in America and named one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, the Empire State Building first opened this month in 1931. Towering at an impressive 443 meters high, the Empire State Building stood as the tallest building in the world for nearly 40 years.Since then, many new taller buildings have been constructed around the world.Nevertheless, the Empire State Building stands as one of America’s most important cultural icons. The 103-story skyscraper was constructed in classic Art Deco style, which was popular at the time. In 2010, the entire building went through a US$550 million renovation.
矗立的帝國大廈是美國最高的建築物之一,它被稱為世界七大工程奇蹟之一,於 1931 年五月首度對外開放。帝國大廈的高度令人嘆為觀止--它有四百四十三公尺高,將近四十年的時間,它都是世界上最高的建築物。自從那時候起,世界上有許多更高的新大樓也不斷地被建造出來。然而,帝國大廈是美國最重要的文化象徵之一。
這棟一百零三層高的摩天大樓,是以古典的裝飾藝術風格建造而成,這是當時流行的建築風格。2010 年,整棟帝國大廈經歷了一番整修,斥資美金五億五千萬元。