The hardest part of changing the world is figuring out how to begin. We often think it will take a huge amount of resources, but with only US$25, American Adam Braun managed to make a difference.
When Braun was in college, he was traveling in India, where he met a poor young boy. He asked the boy that if he could have one thing, what would it be? The boy said he wanted an ordinary pencil. Later when Braun got a job on Wall Street, the boy’s wish stayed with him. In 2008, Braun opened an account and deposited US$25. It was a humble beginning of his charity, Pencils of Promise, which was founded with the goal of building schools in the developing world.
博朗念大學時,他在印度旅行的途中遇到了一個貧窮的小男生。他問那個小男生如果能擁有一樣東西的話,那會是什麼?那個小男生說他想要一枝普通的鉛筆。後來博朗在華爾街找到工作時,他一直念念不忘那個小男生的願望。2008 年時,博朗開了一個帳戶並存進二十五美元。這就是他的慈善機構「鉛筆的承諾」一個小小的開始,它成立的目標是要在全球開發中的國家蓋學校。