Suitably named the Stairway to Heaven, the Haiku Stairs rises up along the ridges of Oahu's Ko'olau Mountain Range. Made up of nearly 4,000 steps, the stairs lead to the Haiku Valley. The American military used the valley's bowl shape as a means of broadcasting long-wave radio frequencies to ships in the 1940s and 1950s. Even when the trail and the station were closed to the public in 1987, people continued to climb up, and the legend of the trail kept growing.
天堂之梯的稱號名符其實,這座海庫階梯沿著歐胡島上科歐勞山脈的山脊向上爬升。該階梯由將近四千級的台階組成,通往海庫山谷。在四○年代和五○年代,美軍利用這個山谷的碗狀地形作為將長波無線電頻率傳播至船隻的方式。19 87年該小徑與美國海軍基地不再對外開放時,人們甚至還繼續爬上來,而關於這條小徑的傳說也持續發展著。