2022/02/28 05:30
A painting worth £740,000 has been destroyed after a ’bored’ security guard drew eyes on faceless figures depicted in the artwork at a Russian museum.
On his first day on the job, the security guard had drawn two pairs of eyes with a ballpoint pen onto artist Anna Leporskaya’s ’Three Figures’ (1932–1934) painting during an abstract art exhibition at the Yeltsin Center in the city of Yekaterinburg, western Russia.
The painting was defaced by a security guard, who has not been named but is believed to be 60-years-old, who worked for a private security company, the Yeltsin Center said in a statement.
The damage to the painting and cost of restoration has been estimated at £2,470.
depict:動詞,指描繪。例句:The media depicts him as a hero.(媒體把他描述成一位英雄。)
abstract:形容詞,抽象的;名詞,抽象、摘要。例句:Abstract thinking is the ability to think about things that are not actually present.(抽象思維指的是想像並未實際存在事物的能力。)