2022/02/24 05:30
News outlets reported that surveillance video showed a deer bounding into Our Lady of the Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge in Louisiana through an open door and stumbling on the slippery floor as stunned workers and visitors watched from a few feet away.
The deer regained its footing enough to climb up the escalator and reach the second floor, where it was finally corralled and held down by several people.
The deer was loaded on a hospital bed that was rolled outside to a truck from the The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Department.
The animal had to be euthanized because of injuries, the agency said, adding there were indications it may have been struck by a vehicle before entering the building.
"Patient care has not been interrupted and the area is being thoroughly sanitized," said a statement by the hospital.(AP)
euthanize:動詞,安樂死。例句:The vet had no choice but to euthanize the ailing cat.(獸醫不得不為這隻體弱的貓咪安樂死。)
footing:名詞,立足點、基礎。例句:There was no footing on the slope.(在這個坡道上沒有立足點。)
corral:動詞,關入圍欄、包圍。例句:Parts of the demonstrators were corralled by the police.(部分示威者被警方包圍。)