2022/03/09 05:30
It’s not often that tax can lift people’s spirits but Ukrainian authorities may have done just that, assuring citizens that any Russian military equipment they seize won’t need to be declared for tax purposes.
"Have you captured a Russian tank or armoured personnel carrier and are worried about how to declare it? Keep calm and continue to defend the motherland!" Ukraine’s National Agency for the Protection against Corruption said.
The rare wry moment comes as fighting intensifies across Ukraine and the conflict enters its eighth day.
The agency went on to explain there was “no need to declare the captured Russian tanks and other equipment, because the cost of this ... does not exceed 100 living wages.”
declare:動詞,在本文中為「申報」(應繳稅的財物)之意。例句:I told the customs officer that I have nothing to declare.(我告訴那名海關人員,我沒有要申報的東西。)
lift sb’s spirits:片語,提振某人的士氣、心情。例句:The victory lifted our spirits.(這場勝利振奮了我們的士氣。)
wry:形容詞,嘲諷的,(表示不滿或不屑)臉部扭曲的表情。例句:She just gave me a wry smile and didn’t say anything.(她就給我一臉苦笑,什麼都沒說。)