2024/09/23 05:30
Pollution from man-made emissions and other sources like wildfires have been linked to around 135 million premature deaths worldwide between 1980 and 2020, a Singapore university said Monday.
Weather phenomena like El Nino and the Indian Ocean Dipole worsened the effects of these pollutants by intensifying their concentration in the air, Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU) said, unveiling the results of a study led by its researchers.
The tiny particles called particulate matter 2.5, or “PM 2.5,” are harmful to human health when inhaled because they are small enough to enter the bloodstream. They come from vehicle and industrial emissions as well as natural sources like fires and dust storms.
這種被稱為細顆粒物2.5(或「PM 2.5」)的微小顆粒,吸入後會對人體健康造成危害,因為它們足夠細小,可以進入血液。這些顆粒物來自車輛和工業排放,以及火災和沙塵暴等自然來源。
unveil:動詞,發表,推出,宣佈。例句:The company has unveiled their latest products.(該公司發表他們的最新產品。)
inhale:動詞,吸入(氣)。例句:He flung open the window and inhaled deeply.(他推開窗戶,深吸一口氣。)
英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1668410
- Sep 23 Mon 2024 13:23
中英對照讀新聞》Air pollution linked to 135 million premature deaths: study 研究:空氣污染與1.35億人過早死亡存在關聯