DJs at silent discos play loud music, but the songs are played through radio transmitters. These radio signals are then picked up by wireless headphones. One of the cool things about silent discos is that two or more DJs can be playing right next to each other and listeners can switch from channel to channel to find the music they like. This would be impossible with speakers because the different songs would come together in an unpleasant way.


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“The surest defense against Evil is extreme individualism, originality of thinking, whimsicality, even – if you will – eccentricity. That is, something that can’t be feigned, faked, imitated; something even a seasoned imposter couldn’t be happy with.”

– Joseph Brodsky, Poet


「對抗邪惡的最可靠防禦,是極端的個人主義、原創性思考、古怪,甚至可以說是反常。那是無法偽造、假裝及模仿的,即便經驗老到的冒充者也無法辦到。」約瑟夫·布羅茨基 (詩人)


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Kawaiicooking is a trend that started in Japan with people cooking food with doll-sized cooking tools. In Japanese, kawaiimeans cute, but it also means small. Kawaiicooking involves cooking full meals with real ingredients, but on a tiny level. There is no way anyone could fill up on such tiny meals, but that is not the point. The point is to cook little meals just because it is fun.


「卡哇伊」料理是從日本開始的一個趨勢潮流,人們利用玩偶大小般的廚具料理食物。「 kawaii」在日文中的意思是「可愛的」,但它也指「小型的」。「卡哇伊」料理包含利用真實食材做一整道餐點,但是是小型的版本。雖然沒有人可以用這些小型食物來填飽肚子,但是這不是重點。做微型料理的重點是它十分有趣。 

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The Los Angeles Lakers that we know today have produced some of the finest athletes in basketball history. Starting from the NBA’s first superstar, George Mikan, all the way to the Lakers’ current superstar, Kobe Bryant, the Lakers have never been short on talent. It was not until the 1980s, however, that a Magic Johnson-led team really displayed what the Lakers could do on the basketball court.



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“The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.”

– Florence Scovel Shinn, Spiritual Teacher

「人生如同玩回力鏢,我們的想法、行為及話語早晚會回來我們身邊,伴隨難以置信的準確度。」 佛羅倫斯.斯科維爾.希恩 (心靈導師)

  • boomerang (n.) 回力鏢,回飛棒。astounding (adj.) 難以置信的,令人震驚的。例:an astounding achievement (一個令人震驚的成就)accuracy (n.) 精準,正確。例:The arrow hit the target with great accuracy. (那箭精準的射中目標。)
  • 佛羅倫斯.斯科維爾.希恩 (1871-1940) 早期為美國插圖畫家,後來成為新思想運動 (New Thought movement) 的心靈導師及玄學作家,著有 The Game of Life and How to Play It ,中譯本為《健康、財富與愛的人生祕密》。


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