2021/05/26 05:30


Instagram on Wednesday said it is dabbling with letting users hide "like" counts in an effort to ease the pressure of seeking approval from others.


If an experiment at Instagram shows the option is a hit, it could be made permanent and even extended to Facebook, which owns the image-centric social network.


"In 2019, we started hiding like counts for a small group of people to understand if it lessens some pressure when posting to Instagram," a Facebook spokesperson told AFP.


Running tallies of how many people signal they like posts at social networks can be seen as status symbols or indicators of worth, raising mental health concerns.


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Visitors to Romania’s forbidding Bran Castle are being jabbed with needles rather than vampiric fangs this weekend in a coronavirus vaccination drive.造訪羅馬尼亞令人生畏的布蘭城堡的遊客,在本週末的冠狀病毒疫苗接種活動中,將會被針頭而不是吸血鬼的毒牙扎刺。
Those who take the jab are handed a certificate hailing their"boldness and responsibility"promising they will be welcome at the castle"for the coming 100 years" - as well as offered a free tour of the"torture chamber".

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2021/05/24 05:30
Scientists in the Netherlands have trained bees to identify COVID-19 through their sense of smell, according to a press release from Wageningen University.瓦赫寧恩大學發布新聞稿聲稱,荷蘭科學家已訓練蜜蜂透過嗅覺,識別2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19,武漢肺炎)。

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2021/05/21 05:30
After the head of the World Trade Organization stepped down in August, member countries overwhelmingly rallied behind a successor: 163 nations backed the Nigerian economist Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a two-time finance minister who ascended the ranks of the World Bank.世界貿易組織秘書長(去年)8月下台後,各會員國一致支持一名繼任者:163個國家力挺在世界銀行步步高升、兩度擔任財政部長的奈及利亞經濟學家伊衛拉。

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2021/05/19 05:30
Appointments are no longer mandatory at any of the coronavirus vaccination sites run by New York City, including its newest and maybe coolest location: beneath the giant blue whale at the Museum of Natural History.任何紐約市設立的新型冠狀病毒疫苗接種處,不再強制要求預約,包括最新設立、或許也是最酷的地點:位於自然歷史博物館巨大藍鯨下的接種處。

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