2021/06/07 05:30
There is no such thing as a "safe" level of drinking, with increased consumption of alcohol associated with poorer brain health, according to a new study.根據一項新研究,沒有所謂的「安全」飲酒量,飲酒量增加與大腦健康狀況較差有關。
In an observational study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, researchers from the University of Oxford studied the relationship between the self-reported alcohol intake of some 25,000 people in the UK, and their brain scans.

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2021/06/03 05:30
Denmark’s Supreme Court sentenced a man to four months’ imprisonment for coughing at two police officers while shouting "corona" during a routine traffic stop in March last year.丹麥最高法院判處一名男子4個月徒刑,因為他去年3月在一次例行性道路攔檢時,一邊說著「冠狀病毒」,一邊朝2名警員咳嗽。
The incident, which took place when the country was under full coronavirus lockdown, led to the defendant being arrested on charges of threatening behavior, although he later tested negative for COVID-19.

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2021/06/02 05:30
A coronavirus "vaccination persuasion" initiative is gearing up to be rolled out across Turkey after proving a resounding success in a district in the country’s south-east.一項新冠病毒「接種疫苗勸說」倡議在土耳其東南部一個地區證明成效卓著後,正加緊在全國各地推出。

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There’s a new guilt-free product underway that is planning to perk up the coffee industry.有個新的無罪惡感產品正在進行,計畫振興咖啡產業。
Seattle-based Atomo Coffee Inc. is grinding up what it dubs as coffeeless coffee - derived from sunflower seed husks and watermelon seeds, which undergo a patented chemical process.

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2021/05/31 05:30
An Indian bride canceled her wedding after her groom recited the multiplication table of two incorrectly.一位印度新娘因為新郎背錯2的乘法表,當場取消婚禮。
A bride and groom who wish to remain unidentified were supposed to have the wedding for their arranged marriage on May 1 in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India.

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