2020-12-04 05:30◎張沛元

A painting of two migrant children holding a sign that reads "Bring Our Mom Back" will hang in the US Capitol as one of the winners of the Congressional Art Competition for high school students.


Dominick Cocozza, 17, of Virginia made the painting - titled "Immigration" - which features two concerned-looking children holding the sign. "I had seen lots of pictures of kids carrying signs and stuff," he said. "So I thought by doing this one, I could mix the message in with my artistic abilities and capture that moment."


Rep. Don Beyer announced Cocozza’s piece as the winner from his district at a reception Monday.


In a statement to CNN, Beyer congratulated Cocozza and said he looked forward to having the painting in the Capitol.



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2020-12-03 05:30


Three Ohio sisters have defied odds by giving birth on the same day at the same hospital with the same obstetrician overseeing their deliveries.


Daneesha Haynes, Ariel Williams and Ashley Haynes gave birth on July 3 at OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital within a four-and-a-half-hour span.


A 1998 Associated Press story cited the odds of three sisters giving birth the same day as 1 in 50 million.


"It was a blessing," said Daneesha who was not due until July 23. Dr. Edroy McMillan delivered all three babies.


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2020-12-02 05:30


Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is set to bind Japan to a target for carbon neutrality by 2050, a shift in stance that will bring the country in line with the European Union and more than 60 other nations in efforts to combat climate change.


Japan previously said it would aim to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050 and achieve net-zero emissions sometime in the latter half of the century.


Japan is the world’s fifth-biggest emitter of carbon dioxide. Under pressure from many business sectors, moves are also afoot to increase the use of renewable energy as the government starts forcing the shutdown of older, dirtier coal plants. (Reuters)




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2020-12-01 05:30
Melanie Clapham has spent the last three years snapping images of grizzly bears at Knight Inlet, on the B.C. coast, using small camera traps housed in metal and strapped securely to the forest branches.梅蘭尼.克拉珀姆花費至少3年的時間,使用設置在金屬盒內、安全地綁在樹枝上的小型相機陷阱,拍攝英屬哥倫比亞海灘奈特灣灰熊的照片。

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2020-11-30 05:30


The Greek parliament on Thursday voted unanimously to make serious animal abuse a crime that can lead to a maximum 10-year prison sentence.


Until now, cruelty to animals had been a less severe offence in the eyes of the law, punishable by a mere fine.


According to a law voted Thursday, people who mistreat animals will also have to pay "a fine ranging from 5,000 to 15,000 euros." The minimum jail term will be one year.


The law defines abuse as "poisonings, hanging, burning, mutilating animals."


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