

The glimmer of hope provided by a possible meeting between President Ma Ying-jeou and the students occupying the Legislature has been dashed. The two sides had voiced support for a meeting without any preconditions, but then the students began to put forward preconditions. 

The students believe Ma is using his status as KMT chairman to threaten disciplinary measures against lawmakers who don’t support the trade-in-services pact Taiwan signed with China. For this reason, they think Ma is insincere, and won’t meet him until he promises not to coerce KMT lawmakers. The Presidential Office feels that the students are simply finding an excuse to avoid a meeting. 

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What do you need to map a billion stars? A billion-pixel camera certainly helps.


Scientists hope to glean more clues about the origin and evolution of the universe, and in particular our own galaxy, after a camera of this incredible scale -- fitted to the Gaia space telescope -- was launched.


Gaia, which lifted off from French Guiana, has been tasked with mapping the Milky Way in greater detail than ever before.


Designed and built by Astrium for the European Space Agency (ESA), the makers say the telescope is so sensitive that it could measure a person’s thumbnail from the Moon, or to put it another way, detect the width of a human hair from 1,000km (620 miles) away.


Gaia will study the position, distance, movement, chemical composition and brightness of a billion stars in the galaxy.

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1. Oops!
Oops! I forgot to call you yesterday. 昨天忘了給你打電話了。 

2. Boo-hoo!
Boo-hoo! He'll be in the show. 他當然會參加表演啊。
以上這句話出自【歌舞青春2】,模仿哭泣的聲音。感在口語中說boo hoo一般帶有諷刺意味,有點像"哭吧,就知道哭!"這種意思,所以吵架的時候會常聽。

3. Blah blah blah...

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Cafes across Naples recently marked "Suspended Coffee Day", spotlighting a remarkable tradition of social solidarity in the crisis-hit Italian city that is now more needed than ever.


Using chalk board signs in cafes and by word of mouth, dozens of cafes have let the city’s growing army of poor -- Neapolitans and immigrants alike -- know they can come for a free coffee with money left by better-off customers.


The practice of "caffe sospeso" is simple:leave money for a coffee when you are getting one yourself and someone who cannot afford one gets it for free.


"It is something you used to do when you passed a university exam, or won the lotto or had your birthday. Pay for a coffee for someone you didn’t know," said Maurizio del Bufalo, a former UN aid worker and founder of the "Suspended Coffee Network" which now includes 200 cafes in Naples and around the world.


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When it is compared to the Running of the Bulls in Spain, the Running of the Sheep at the Irish Woolfest in Boorowa, Australia is not so scary. It is actually fun and entertaining. Crowds gather to watch as four sheepdogs work together to herd a group of sheep down the main street. This is just the beginning of a fun-filled festival that includes everything from art shows to dog competitions.
Another event that celebrates the start of the Irish Woolfest is the Blessing of the Fleece. One sheep is shorn and its fleece is blessed by the three ministers who represent the major religions of the area. There is so much to see and do at the Irish Woolfest that it would be impossible to be bored.


跟西班牙的奔牛節相比,澳洲布洛瓦 Irish Woolfest 這場慶典上的奔羊活動就沒有那麼嚇人了。事實上,它反倒是趣味十足。群眾會沿路聚集,觀賞四隻牧羊犬合力在鎮中的主要大街上趕羊。這只不過是一個充滿樂趣的節慶的開場活動,這項慶典還有各種包羅萬象的節目,從藝術表演到狗狗競賽都有。
另一項為歡慶 Irish Woolfest 而揭開序幕的活動則為 Blessing of the Fleece。主辦者會剪下一頭羊的羊毛,並由三位分別代表該地區各主要宗教的牧師來為羊毛進行祝禱。Irish Woolfest 上可供觀賞和從事的活動多不勝數,因此您絕對不會感到無聊。 


文章出處: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

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