The Benz Patent-Motorwagen

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In today’s world of cars, it is hard to imagine that just 129 years ago no one drove anywhere. That was all about to change thanks to the efforts of inventor Karl Benz and his wife, Bertha. On January 29, 1886, Karl Benz received the patent for his motorwagen, which many regard as the very first car. While Benz worked tirelessly to perfect his invention, he did not realize the full potential of his creation until his wife took the motorcar out for a 194-kilometer road trip. During her trip, she made improvements to the engine and redesigned the brakes. Her famous trip marked her as the very first person to ever drive a car.
在今日到處都是車子的世界裡,很難想像一百二十九年以前沒有人在開車。多虧了發明家卡爾•賓士和他妻子貝爾莎的努力,一切都將改變。1886 年一月二十九日,卡爾•賓士獲得「賓士一號」(目前很多人認為它是世上第一輛汽車)的專利。雖然賓士努力不懈地來使他的發明達到完美,但是直到他的妻子駕著這輛三輪汽車完成一百九十四公里的道路旅行之前,他還是無法使這輛汽車完全發揮它的潛力。在她的旅途中,她改良了引擎並重新設計了煞車系統。她這趟著名的旅程使她成為第一位駕駛汽車的人。 

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菠菜可代替能源 Spinach Could Lead to Alternative Energy

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 Spinach has long been known as the source of cartoon character-Popeye's super strength, but recently a group of scientists believe that it also (1) holds the key to clean, efficient and sustainable alternative fuel. Purdue University physicists, along with their international peers, are studying the proteins found in spinach, which convert sunlight into chemical energy.

  菠菜一直被視為卡通人物—大力水卜派的超級力量來源,最近有一群科學家認為,它也是沒有汙染性、節能且永續的關鍵替代燃料。 普渡大學的物理學家,以及它們 的國際團隊正在研究在菠菜中發現的蛋白質,可將太陽能轉化成化 學能。

  "The proteins we study are part of the most efficient system ever built, capable of converting the energy from the sun into chemical energy with an unrivaled 60 percent efficiency," says Yulia Pushkar, Assistant Professor of Physics at Purdue. Pushkar further states that understanding how this system works is critical for creating artificial photosynthesis.Photosynthesis is the process in which plants utilize sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into energy. If scientists could harness the power of photosynthesis, mankind would have access to an effective, efficient and renewable energy source.

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Eleanor Roosevelt (前第一夫人)

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“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt, Former First Lady
「希望一件事與計畫一件事所需消耗的力氣相同。」– 埃莉諾‧羅斯福 (前第一夫人)

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The Japan That Time Forgot
宛如童話世界的仙境 合掌村

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In the land that time forgot, the sleepy villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama have remained unchanged for centuries. Located in the Shogawa River valley of central Japan, these two locations were first settled in the 8th century by a religious order that combined different practices of Buddhism. Since then, both villages have kept their economies healthy with the steady production of buckwheat, millet, and mulberries. In 1995, UNESCO declared the two villages World Heritage Sites.
Shirakawa-go and Gokayama are best known for their thatched houses that dot the landscape and give both villages their iconic images. The houses are built using a special architectural style known as the praying-hands construction, which gives the rooftops a pointed shape that looks like two hands joined together in prayer. This design makes the houses strong enough to hold up against the heavy winter snowfall.
在被時光所遺忘的這塊土地上,白川鄉與五箇山裡寂靜的村落許多世紀以來依然保持不變。坐落在日本中部的庄河河谷,這兩個地點最初是在第八世紀由一個結合不同佛教習俗的宗教修道會定居在此的。從此以後,這兩個村落都因為蕎麥、小米及桑葚的穩定產量而維持良好的經濟狀況。1995 年時,聯合國教科文組織宣布這兩個村落為世界遺產。

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Anthony Robbins (成功教練)

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“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”

– Anthony Robbins, Success Coach
「設定目標是讓無形願望成為有形成果的第一步,堅持你的決定,但在方法上保持彈性。」– 安東尼‧羅賓 (成功教練)

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