

A clothing designer has developed a new type of t-shirt made from discarded coconut rinds. 

The environmentally friendly clothing can significantly reduce waste. It was awarded a carbon footprint label from the Environmental Protection Administration.

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[[電子商務理事長 詹宏志]]


In a meeting organized by the Legislature’s Finance Committee, business representatives gave generally positive marks to the services trade pact Taiwan signed with China. One representative said Taiwanese enterprises have alternative channels to compete in China now, but would eventually fall behind without the pact’s passage. 

At the conclusion of mass protests against the cross-strait trade-in-services pact, there still wasn’t a consensus on whether the pact would be good for Taiwan. Industrial representatives were called on today to give their opinions.

Four representatives, including Bankers Association Chairwoman Lee Chi-chu and Taiwan Securities Association Chairman Chien Hung-wen, said without hesitation that the pact’s benefits outweigh its disadvantages. PC Home founder Jan Hung-tze said that, for now, Taiwan has other methods of competing in China.

Jan Hung-tze
Taiwan Internet and E-Commerce Assoc.
Based on current conditions, even if the services trade pact does not pass, e-commerce enterprises can still enter China as a foreign enterprise under regulations governing the Shanghai free trade zone. They don’t have to enter China as a Taiwanese enterprise.

But Jan did say that failure to pass the services trade agreement would have a larger long-term impact. He believes Taiwan’s cross-border trade disadvantages would expand, hurting local industries that are already falling behind Chinese competitors.

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[[前民進黨主席 蔡英文]]



[[民進黨立院黨團總召 柯建銘]]


The DPP wants to scrap Taiwan’s fourth nuclear power plant before it begins operations. On Wednesday, the party proposed new draft legislation that would lead to a referendum on the nuclear plant. The new bill would bypass Taiwan’s existing referendum law, which requires a high turnout for the vote’s results to be valid. 

Work is nearly complete on the nuclear power plant and fuel rods could be installed as early as June 2015. The DPP wants to pass a special statute calling for a referendum on the facility. Former DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen backed the idea.

Tsai Ing-wen
Former DPP Chairwoman
A referendum is a road that has to be traveled, but it absolutely cannot be the deceitful referendum proposed by the Executive Yuan.

The Cabinet’s referendum question would ask voters if they agree to halt construction of the plant, figuring it will almost surely be rejected because of how the Referendum Act is written. Under the law, 

at least half of all eligible voters must participate for the vote to be valid. All of the six referendums held to date have been rejected because they failed to meet the turnout threshold. 

The DPP’s proposal would eliminate the minimum turnout requirement and have the result be decided by a simple majority vote, as was the case for a 2009 referendum held in Penghu County on gambling.

Ker Chien-ming
DPP Legislator
It would be decided by a simple majority, just like elections. You lose if you get one less vote.

The DPP hopes to send its bill to the Procedure Committee next week, but with KMT lawmakers holding a majority, the party may have trouble getting it through.

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[[台北市長參選人 柯文哲]]


A DPP election task force has settled on a two-stage process to choose the pan-green nominee for the Taipei mayoral race. An initial poll would select the in-party candidate, and a second poll involving non-party members would be used to determine the final nominee. When the plan was released, however, it was criticized by lead contender Ko Wen-je, who says the mid-June target for ending the process does not leave enough time to campaign for the November election. 

At a press conference to urge a halt to construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, National Taiwan University Hospital doctor Ko Wen-je criticized KMT hopefuls in Taipei. But Ko’s first order of business still lies within the pan-green camp, where a DPP election task force has proposed a two-stage poll to select a nominee for mayor of Taipei.

The proposal will be decided on by the party’s Central Standing Committee next Wednesday. The first stage, to take place on May 13, would pit DPP hopefuls against the KMT nominee in a poll. After an in-party winner is selected, negotiations with independent pan green candidates Ko and writer Neil Peng would take place. Another poll would then be held to choose the final nominee. That process is expected to take about a month meaning the nominee would not be finalized until the middle of June. Ko worries this is too close to the election.

Ko Wen-je
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
If the process drags on too long, it will be difficult to bring the party together. Time is needed to organize a campaign, gather funds and complete other tasks. The more you delay this decision, the less time there is.

If a nominee is not chosen until mid June, it would leave only about 150 days to campaign before the end of November election. Ko’s advisors say limited time would put the pan green camp at a disadvantage.

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[[北市長參選人(國) 丁守中]]


[[北市長參選人(國) 連勝文]]


A KMT legislator has thrown a wrench into the party’s primary for Taipei mayor, announcing his withdrawal just days before KMT members go to the polls. The candidate who pulled out threw his support to frontrunner Sean Lien, angering Lien’s main rival Ting Shou-chung. 

When Legislator Tsai Cheng-yuan announced he was withdrawing from the race, and asked his supporters to back Sean Lien, the other main contender Ting Shou-chung cried foul play.

Ting Shou-chung
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
This is clearly game-fixing. If this happened in a sporting arena, where the players of two teams did something like this, they’d be thrown out. We feel this is intended to fool Taipei residents. 

Ting suspects that the Lien and Tsai camps joined together to attack him, a charge Lien rejected. 

Sean Lien 
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
Legislator Ting bashed me the day before yesterday, then said yesterday we were as close as brothers and then attacked me again today. Changing his tune like that, I don’t know what he’s trying to say.

It won’t be clear until April 23 when the primary results are announced what effect Tsai’s withdrawal had on the race. Tsai said an already completed opinion poll accounting for 70 percent of the primary result had Lien and Ting in a virtual dead heat. But a party official said Tsai’s numbers were suspect because nobody knows the poll results yet.

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