

[[前民進黨主席 蔡英文]]


[[前民進黨主席 蔡英文]]


When DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang and former chairman Frank Hsieh pulled out of the party’s election for the top post, it left open the door for Tsai Ing-wen. She registered her candidacy on Thursday and is a shoo-in to win. After registering, Tsai turned down a chance to debate President Ma Ying-jeou on a controversial trade pact with China. 

Former chairwoman Tsai registered for another run at the DPP’s top post Thursday and thanked the two main potential challengers for stepping aside.

Tsai Ing-wen
Former DPP Chairwoman
The two former chairmen announced they would not run in the election on Monday to help the party be more unified. I am very grateful for this, and very much appreciate the contributions they’ve made.

Tsai also responded to an invitation from President Ma to debate the trade-in-services agreement with China.

Tsai Ing-wen
Former DPP Chairwoman
From my experience in debates with the president, he uses them as a form of publicity. What the president needs to do is explain what he intends to do to make the people feel at ease. That’s not something that can be solved in a debate.

The president has criticized Tsai for advocating not having agreements with China reviewed by the Legislature when she headed the Mainland Affairs Council. Ma used the argument to deflect criticism that his government has not allowed enough oversight of the services pact with China. But Tsai said that was a different time, when the executive branch had the power.

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[[中研院研究員 瞿海源]]


At an Academia Sinica seminar today, President Ma Ying-jeou continued to face protesters opposed to the services trade pact Taiwan signed with China. Both inside and outside the venue they held up signs stating that Taiwan’s future should be decided by the Taiwanese people. 

When President Ma’s motorcade arrived at today’s event, more than 100 black-shirted protesters began shouting toward him. Included were Academia Sinica researchers and members of the general public, many of whom held sunflowers. As this demonstration continued outside, Ma also faced protests inside during the seminar.

For the duration of Ma’s speech, a couple of audience members held up protest signs.

Chiu Hei-yuan
Academia Sinica Researcher
Continually, especially during his second term, the Ma administration has been ruining constitutional government. This is wrong and dangerous for Taiwan. We therefore support holding a citizens’ constitutional conference.

President Ma did not directly address the protesters. But he used a gesture to let them know he heard their voices.

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[[宜蘭第一鮪船長 劉松福]]
“價格很滿意,還會更好,就來捧場的 第一鮪在宜蘭比較開心”



A highlight of bluefin tuna season is the first catch of the year. Just a few days after the season kicked off in Pingtung with a 300-kilogram fish, Yilan’s first catch sold at auction today for a whopping NT$710,000. 

The auctioneer is watching bluefin tuna being carried in as he begins the bidding in front of interested buyers at Nanfangao Harbor. After Yilan’s first bluefin tuna of the year was auctioned off, the captain of the winning fishing boat was all smiles. 

Liu Sung-fu
Fishing Boat Captain
I’m pleased with the auction price. It could be better, but I’m just happy to have landed the first bluefin tuna in Yilan.

Yilan’s first bluefin tuna weighed 135 kilogram and fetched NT$710,000, or NT$5,300 per kilogram. After more than 20 years of fishing, this is the first time the captain has caught the year’s first tuna. The good price has inspired him to go back out to sea to continue fishing. 

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不用任何樂器,登台獻唱,瑞典人聲樂團vocal six,睽違7年,再度來台,團員穿著黑色西裝,展現深厚的演唱功力。


[[Vocal Six 團員]] 




Swedish and American a cappella groups will give a concert tomorrow in Taipei. This afternoon the groups held a dress rehearsal with members even previewing Chinese songs for fans. 

Performing without any musical instruments, the Swedish a cappella group Vocal Six took to the stage. In their first show in Taiwan in nearly seven years, members of this group wore black suits and gave a breathtaking vocal performance.

The average age of members of this male group is 50, with many having 25 years of experience. They say performing Chinese songs is quite a challenge.

Vocal Six Member
It’s very difficult and we have nothing to associate the words with, to remember them. So the sounds are hard to remember and it’s so easy to forget. 

Another a cappella group that performed is Musae, which hails from the United States.

The five members of Musae radiate charm on stage and easily capture the attention of the audience. After setting foot in Taiwan for the first time, they were quite eager to taste some of Taiwan’s delicious snack food.

Both Vocal Six and Musae will perform a concert on Saturday for Taiwanese fans eager to hear their unique blend of a cappella music.

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[[民視總經理 陳剛信]]
“我們並不是為了賺錢 我們希望能夠對台灣的影視環境 能有所轉變 每一個同仁都不是勞工 每一個人都不是雇主 勞雇關係是一樣的 是平等的 今天 民視沒有你不行 你沒有民視也不行”


[[藝人 白家綺]]
“因為(我是)主持人關係 就打扮成大力水手旁邊的 奧莉薇”


Phoenix Talent Company held a spring party this afternoon in Taipei. FTV General Manager Cheng Gang-sin attended the event alongside nearly 100 actors and entertainers. 

FTV General Manager Chen Gang-sin appeared relaxed as he danced onstage with other guests this Friday afternoon at Dadaocheng Wharf. 

It was a hot day at the wharf, and Chen shocked everyone by saying he was prepared to give a two-hour speech. Fortunately, he was only joking, as he quickly moved to discuss how entertainers and the company need to work together for mutual benefit.

Chen Gang-sin
FTV General Manager 
We are not in it for the money. We hope to change the film and TV environment in Taiwan. This company is not separated into labor and management as everyone is equal. Today, FTV wouldn’t be here without you, and you wouldn’t be here without FTV.

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