Municipalities hosting ancient castles around Japan are under siege as aging castle towers restored in the post-World War II economic boom are in desperate need of replacement or refurbishment.


While some localities are ready to renovate existing concrete castle towers, others are hoping to fund the much pricier recreation of the wooden structures that originally stood long ago.


During his campaign for Nagoya mayor in 2009, Mayor Takashi Kawamura vowed to replace the concrete main tower of the city’s landmark Nagoya Castle with a more authentic wooden structure.


"We should replace the tower with something we will be proud of," Kawamura said.


Nagoya Castle, originally built in the early Edo Period (1603-1867), was restored in 1959 after being destroyed by fire in an air raid by U.S. bombers in May 1945.


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In Washington, some officials privately disdain Europe’s fury as overly theatrical.


The attitude that spying is rampant everywhere, and Europe should just get over it, is also widespread.


"Everyone spies on everybody," Republican Senator Marco Rubio told CNN.


"These leaders are responding to domestic pressures. None of them are truly shocked about any of this."


With Europe and the United States bound by cultural, political and military ties and common security vulnerabilities, it is unthinkable the alliance will buckle.


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An Israeli draft law that would criminalize the use of the word Nazi in most cases has sparked a debate on freedom of speech in a state that was founded out of the ashes of the Holocaust.


Seven decades later, memories of the extermination of millions of Jews during World War II permeate virtually every aspect of life in Israel. Public figures and interest groups frequently invoke the World War II genocide to score political points, and the word and Nazi symbols have slipped into Israeli discourse over the years.


The bill would impose a fine of 100,000 shekels and six months in jail for anybody using the word or symbols from Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich in a "wrong or inappropriate way." Educational settings would be exempt, as would certain artistic performances, said Shimon Ohayon, the bill’s sponsor.


The Knesset gave preliminary approval to the measure, but it still must pass three more readings and committee discussions before becoming law. A similar effort in 2012 fell in committee amid opposition.



ash:名詞,指灰燼、廢墟,如The nation slowly rose from the ashes of war.(這個國家自戰火餘燼中緩慢重生。)

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Dairy cows with a serious case of flatulence have simultaneously ’broken wind’ and blown up a building in a fiery explosion.


No doubt there were all sorts of "whoever smelt it dealt it" accusations flying around amongst the herd afterwards.


The methane gas released by 90 windy dairy cows causes an explosion in a cow shed in the central German town of Rasdorf, police say.


Thanks to the belches and flatulence of the dairy cows in the shed, high levels of the gas had built up. Then "a static electric charge caused the gas to explode with flashes of flames" the police said in a statement quoted by Reuters news agency.


With only one cow out of the 90 suffering injuries, it could be said that the herd in question were let-off the hook and it goes without saying that their owner will have to take extra precautions if the animals are going to be at this sort of crack in future.


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The Soviets made space dog Laika a national hero and Americans have fallen for presidential pets from Checkers to Bo.


In Venezuela, a rare breed of shaggy sheepdog has come to symbolize the patriotic legacy of the late Hugo Chavez.


Venezuela’s former president rescued the mucuchies, named for this Andean town where the breed originated 400 years ago, from near-extinction in 2008 by providing funding to breed the remaining 23 purebreds.


’’Every time Chavez hosted a foreign leader the president’s office would call me up and make sure I brought the dogs,’’ said Walter Demendoza, president of the Nevado Foundation, which works to rescue the breed.


’’He wanted the dog to be known around the world as a symbol of our country.’’


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