Two Czechs have breathed new life into telephone booths made obsolete in the cell phone age, converting them into mini libraries with the first installed at a Prague hospital recently.


On the shelves of the red booth, patients of the IKEM hospital will find a plethora of genres, including works by US crime writer John Grisham, Czech and Russian titles and biographer Andrew Morton’s "Diana: Her True Story".


Library mastermind Monika Serbusova, 27, said she and a friend drew inspiration from a similar project in Britain.


They won backing from a local phone operator, then built the libraries with the help of colleagues and friends, painting the booths and installing wooden shelves.


She said they intend to set up other libraries at a shopping centre and elsewhere. They currently have 700 books, but the selection will grow as people have promised to donate large collections. (AFP)


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Here’s a man who has been using ’Close-up’ brand of toothpaste for seven years in the hope of attracting a female. However, his hopes have been dashed and now he has decided to sue the brand as it has not aided him in attracting ladies with fresh smelling breath as the toothpaste ads suggest, according to Geobeats.


According to the 26-year-old man, Athony Olatunfe, Unilever Nigeria Limited has been sued and he has demanded that the company prove its claims with lab tests.


In the Close-up ads, women are shown flocking to men after they brush their teeth, Geobeats says.


Olatunfe says: "No girl ever agreed to even go out for a tea or coffee with me, even though I’m sure they could smell my breath. I always brush my teeth with so much close up gel to make sure the girls get turned on by my fresh breath as they usually show on TV."


The aggrieved man has submitted all of his used, half-used and unused tubes to the court as evidence. Unliever has been accused of ’cheating’ and causing him ’mental anguish’.


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About a dozen four-legged practitioners of stand-up paddle boarding took to the waves with their human owners off Rio de Janeiro’s Barra Beach, practicing for a second annual competition next month in which canine-human teams race around buoys.


"The idea started when I was on my board and my dog was tied up on the beach. I said to myself, ’Man he wants to come to the water!’ so I put him on the board and he loved it," said Marco Sarnelli, the event organizer.


The race on Feb. 16 is expected to draw as many as 50 dogs and their owners, from border collies to golden retrievers to mutts.


Brazilian paddle board enthusiasts aren’t the first to take their pets out on the water.


Canine paddle board races in California have served as fundraisers for local shelters, and several websites dedicated to the sport include forum sections with readers trading tricks on how to get their dogs hooked on the sport. (AP)


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Thieves accused of stealing a religious relic stained with Polish pope John Paul II’s blood threw it away thinking it worthless, Italian media said on Thursday, reporting the police had detained three people.


Police recovered the object’s metal frame but could not find the cloth, believed to be part of the robe the pontiff was wearing when he was shot in an assassination attempt in St Peter’s Square in 1981.


It was stolen on Saturday along with a cross, which has also been found, from the San Pietro della Ienca church in the mountainous Abruzzo region in central Italy where the late pope loved to go on skiing holidays.


The Abruzzo news website said two of those arrested are 23 and 24 years old and are drug addicts known to the police for other petty crimes.

The PrimaDaNoi.it阿布魯佐新聞網站說,當中被捕的兩名竊賊分別為23、24歲,他們是因其他小犯行,而讓警察認識的吸毒者。

The relic is a framed, tiny square of cloth.


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Doing the night shift throws the body "into chaos" and could cause long-term damage, warn researchers.


Shift work has been linked to higher rates of type 2 diabetes, heart attacks and cancer. Now scientists at the Sleep Research Centre in Surrey have uncovered the disruption shift work causes at the deepest molecular level. Experts said the scale, speed and severity of damage caused by being awake at night was a surprise.


The human body has its own natural rhythm or body clock tuned to sleep at night and be active during the day. It has profound effects on the body, altering everything from hormones and body temperature to athletic ability, mood and brain function.


The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, followed 22 people as their body was shifted from a normal pattern to that of a night-shift worker.


Blood tests showed that normally 6% of genes were precisely timed to be more or less active at specific times of the day. Once the volunteers were working through the night, that genetic fine-tuning was lost.


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