2022/12/28 05:30
Three men have been rescued from the rudder of an oil tanker after spending 11 days crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
The men spent nearly two weeks at sea after the Alithini II left Lagos, Nigeria, according to MarineTraffic, a website that tracks shipping.
根據追蹤船隻動向的「海事交通」網站資料,這3人在這艘「艾里西尼二世」(Alithini II)離開奈及利亞拉哥斯後,在海上度過將近兩週。
- Dec 28 Wed 2022 09:02
中英對照讀新聞》Stowaways survive 11 days at sea by clinging to rudder of oil tanker(偷渡客攀附在油輪船舵上 在海上撐了11天)
- Dec 27 Tue 2022 09:12
中英對照讀新聞》Philippine artist creates paintings using his own blood (菲律賓藝術家用自己的鮮血作畫)
2022/12/27 05:30
The 52-year-old Philippine artist Elito Circa uses blood taken from his own veins to create canvas paintings, which has drawn both praise and criticism because of his unusual choice of medium.
Born in a low-income household with little access to school supplies and art materials, Circa explored different mediums, but it was when he scraped himself as a young boy that his fascination with using blood began.
- Dec 26 Mon 2022 09:13
中英對照讀新聞》’Bachelor’s handbag’ enters Aussie lexicon 「單身漢手提包」入選澳洲字典年度新詞
2022/12/26 05:30
Bachelor’s handbag - a roast chicken takeaway in a plastic bag - has been voted the Australian people’s choice as the new word of the year, the Macquarie Dictionary said on Tuesday.
The Australian English dictionary defined the term as a "noun Colloquial (humorous) a takeaway roast chicken".
- Dec 23 Fri 2022 09:02
中英對照讀新聞》Narita Airport branching out as COVID stalls air travel demand武肺拖累航空旅行需求 成田機場另闢蹊徑
2022/12/23 05:30
Tours of off-limits areas, wedding photos and a specialty craft beer are some ways in which Narita Airport, a key gateway to Japan, is trying to deal with sluggish demand for international flights.
The operating company expects people who have refrained from traveling overseas during the novel coronavirus pandemic to forge connections with the airport in other ways than through flights.
- Dec 22 Thu 2022 09:18
中英對照讀新聞》Metal-detecting stranger retrieves woman’s ring lost in sea (偵測金屬的陌生人尋回女子遺失在海裡的戒指)
2022/12/22 05:30
A Massachusetts woman’s diamond wedding ring, a family heirloom, is back on her finger after a man with a metal detector responded to her social media plea for help and found it at the bottom of the ocean.
29-year-old Francesca Teal said that she was tossing a football with her husband at North Beach in Hampton, New Hampshire, when the ring that once belonged to her great-grandmother slipped off her finger.