(英)The girl blushed when people stared at all the love bites on her neck.
(美) The girl blushed when people stared at all the hickeys on her neck.
(英) love bite:吻痕;種草莓 (親吻脖子時留下的紅色痕跡或唇印)。
(美) hickey:吻痕;種草莓 (親吻脖子時留下的紅色痕跡或唇印)。
(英)The girl blushed when people stared at all the love bites on her neck.
(美) The girl blushed when people stared at all the hickeys on her neck.
(英) love bite:吻痕;種草莓 (親吻脖子時留下的紅色痕跡或唇印)。
(美) hickey:吻痕;種草莓 (親吻脖子時留下的紅色痕跡或唇印)。
Those (people) who = They/People who = Such (people) as + 複數動詞 – 意為「凡是…的人們」。這是 those who 的複數句型,但我們亦可用下面的單數句型來表達相同的意思:He/One who = Anyone who = Whoever + 單數動詞 – 意為「凡是…的人」。請看下面的例句:
Those who have money do not want for friends. (凡是有錢的人都不會缺乏朋友)
= Such as have money do not want for friends. (在這句中,as是當關係代名詞)
= He who has money does not want for friends.
= Whoever has money does not want for friends. (Whoever = Anyone who)
下面兩句分別是 those who (主格) 的受格 those whom 和所有格 those whose的應用:
No distance can sever those whom the fate unites. (有緣千里來相會)
Almighty Heaven is not indifferent to those whose hearts are earnest. (皇天不負苦心人)
(名詞) 喝啤酒賽跑 (比賽) 的參賽者。
—beer mile (名詞):喝啤酒賽跑 (比賽)。
—beer miling (現在分詞):喝啤酒賽跑。
顧名思義,這項賽跑的距離為一英里,跑四圈,男子組每圈喝一罐啤酒,共喝四罐,而女子組則喝三罐。這項運動比賽起源於加拿大,但有逐漸向世界各地蔓延的趨勢。目前 beer mile 的世界紀錄保持人是一位名叫 Jim Finlayson 的加拿大男士,時間為 5 分 9 秒。
He belongs to a generation of runners whose carefree attitudes have fuelled the popularity of running clubs that prove, according to Canadian Running magazine editor Michal Kapral, "we’re not a bunch of prudes." They include beer milers, who claim a fair number of frat boys but also serious runners.
—Hayley Mick, "A beer before a run? Some serious runners say yes,"The Globe and Mail, October 29, 2009
The event usually happens at a dark, secluded track, away from campus security or city police — sometimes it might even take place on a farmer’s field in the country — but no matter the venue, the challenge remains the same. The contest calls for runners to chug four beers (three for the women’s event) at regular 400m intervals during a mile race, in an attempt to crown the fastest beer miler.
—Mihira Lakshman, "Beer and running — an unlikely pairing," Canadian Running, October 29, 2009
王先生說,上月底發現太原站第一月台上有面指示牌,寫著「往台中、彰化方向旅客 請在此月台候車,往豐原、潭子方向旅客 請走樓梯至第二月台」,英譯成「WAIT HERE FOR TO TAICHUNG . CHANGHUA STEP OVERPASS TO FENGYUAN. TANZI (中文直譯為在這等去台中、彰化,跨越去豐原、潭子。)」他批:「這種台式英文,外國人會跑錯月台。」
「英文翻譯確實有點不太對。」台大外文系外籍副教授史嘉琳建議,應譯為「Trains to Taichung and Changhua board from this platform. To board trains to Fengyuan and Tantzu, please take overpass to Platform 2.」史嘉琳還指出,告示中的地名英譯,TAICHUNG、CHANGHUA (台中、彰化) 採威妥瑪式拼音,TANZI (潭子) 卻是漢語拼音,建議最好統一使用同種拼音法。(蘋果日報 2012/01/30)
說明:Hoyle 指的是英國作家 Edmond Hoyle (1672 – 1769);他是公認的紙牌遊戲 (card games) 規則權威,因其紙牌遊戲規則大全及相關著作而馳名。