ormer French President Jacques Chirac was found guilty by a French criminal court of misusing Paris city funds during his years as mayor.


Chirac, 79, was found guilty of all three charges against him related to diverting city money to benefit his political party and reward supporters, the court ruled Thursday.


He received a two-year suspended prison sentence, meaning he won’t be jailed unless he commits further offenses.


The mayor of Paris from 1977 until 1995, except for a two-year period when he was prime minister, Chirac is the first French head of state to stand trial since World War II.


The corruption investigation was delayed until after he stepped down as president in 2007 by rules shielding sitting leaders from investigations for anything expect treason.


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>>The Biggest Lie<<


Two boys were arguing when the teacher entered the room.

The teacher says, "Why are you arguing?"

One boy answers, "We found a ten dollar bill and decided to give it to whoever tells the biggest lie."

"You should be ashamed of yourselves," said the teacher, "When I was your age I didn't even know what a lie was."

The boys gave the ten dollars to the teacher.



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台灣英語網 新聞發布中心 : 蔡競選口號文法惹爭議 「台灣下一步」變「台灣次要」?


民進黨人士表示,蔡英文競選口號「Taiwan Next」是台灣的下一步,是從現在迎向下一個世代,下一個時代。但國民黨文傳會主委莊伯仲轉達民眾投書,質疑此口號在英文文法中沒有「台灣未來」意思,反而變成「台灣次要」。不過,英文教授說,用法不能說不正確。

蔡英文競選辦公室發言人鄭麗君說,「Taiwan Next」是台灣的下一步,是從現在迎向下一個世代,下一個時代。但國民黨文傳會主委莊伯仲22日表示,日前接獲民眾投書反映,蔡英文競選口號「Taiwan Next」的中文翻譯不是「台灣下一步」,而是「台灣次要」。這個英文文法與一般人常用的「Ladies First (女士優先)」一樣,next和first都當副詞用。

莊伯仲補充表示,他請教身旁幾名留學美國朋友的意見,看法與投書民眾相同,認為使用「Taiwan Next」有「台灣次要」之意。

但東吳大學英文學系教授林茂松表示,英國著名語言學家David Graddol在2006年出版暢銷書「English Next(英語下一步)」,指的是英文是未來的發展,他覺得蔡英文的用法似乎是呼應這本書,不能說不正確。他說,如果要表達台灣未來的意思,的確可用「Taiwan Next」。

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Once in a moment, we think oneself grow up,

one day, we finally found

the meaning of desire and grew up courage and strong except,

as well as some must sacrifice.

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選錯人的英文就是─back the wrong horse


《back the wrong horse》



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