英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/ There are theme parks for everyone—those who love fast rides, animals, and even Harry Potter. Now, there is a theme park geared especially to people with special needs called Morgan’s Wonderland. Gordon Hartman opened this one-of-a-kind amusement park in San Antonio, Texas in the spring of 2010. His inspiration for creating the 25-acre park was his daughter, Morgan, who suffers from a condition in which her brain functions with a severe delay. Hartman hated to see Morgan being left out of activities that other children enjoyed. He used his own money and generous donations to create rides and activities specifically designed for those with special needs. A few of the 25 attractions include a water park, music garden, and pirate’s island. 不論您喜歡的是快速刺激的遊樂設施,又或是各類動物,甚至是哈利波特,世上都有各種主題樂園適合每一個人。如今則出現一座專門設計給有特殊需求的人士盡情遊玩的主題樂園,它就叫作摩根仙境樂園。高登•哈特曼在 2010 年的春天,於德州聖安東尼奧市開辦了這個獨一無二的遊樂園。他之所以打造這座佔地二十五英畝的樂園,靈感是來自於他的女兒摩根,因為她遭受一種腦部運作嚴重遲緩的疾病所苦。 在看到摩根無法加入其他孩童、進行他們喜歡的遊戲之時,哈特曼感到心疼不已。於是他便自掏腰包,再加上其他人慷慨解囊的捐款,為那些有特殊需求的人量身打造許多遊樂設施和遊戲。園內有二十五個景點設施,其中一些包括親水公園、音樂花園以及海盜之島。 |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:10
Morgan’s WONDERLAND 身心障礙人士的天堂 摩根仙境樂園
- Oct 24 Fri 2014 18:37
Helen Keller (演說家)
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/
“Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are, we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged.”
– Helen Keller, Lecturer
「與其和那些比我們幸運的人比較命運,我們應該與大多數的人們來比較,這時我們反而顯得是幸運者之一。」– 海倫‧凱勒 (演說家)
第一句話都在比較 “lot”「命運」,”that of those people” 中的 “that” 就是在指 “lot”,而 “we should compare it” 中的 “it” 也是在指 “lot”。 “fortunate” 是「幸運的」,它的字根是 “fortune” 「命運、財富」。”privileged” 是「幸運的人」,它的字根 “privilege” 是「特權」的意思。
海倫‧凱勒 (1880-1968) 是美國知名的作家、演說家,是第一位取得大學文學士的聾盲人士。海倫‧凱勒也是美國社會黨成員,還參加了反對戰爭、婦女參政、勞工權力、及社會主義等運動。她的啟蒙老師安‧蘇利文 (Anne Sullivan) 如何開導她在戲劇及電影 The Miracle Worker 以及她的自傳 The Story of My Life 中有生動的描述,也因此而聞名於世。
- Oct 24 Fri 2014 18:33
Md. ban on grain alcohol hurts violin makers 馬里蘭州禁售穀物酒殃及小提琴製造商
Md. ban on grain alcohol hurts violin makers
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.ltn.com.tw/
Binge drinkers and frat boys aren’t the only ones despairing over Maryland’s new ban on grain alcohol: Violin makers who used the liquor to make varnish are also affected.
Silver Spring violin maker Howard Needham tells The Washington Post that nothing works better than Everclear grain alcohol for making the varnishes he uses to repair chipped or broken musical instruments. He’s been hoarding whatever grain alcohol he can get his hands on since the ban took effect last month.
- Oct 24 Fri 2014 18:32
Henry Kaiser (工業家)
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/
“Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.”
– Henry Kaiser, industrialist
「麻煩只是由工作衣包裝的機會。」– 亨利‧凱瑟 (工業家)
“trouble” 可以解釋為「麻煩、問題、困難」,”in work clothes” 原意是「穿工作衣」。
亨利‧凱瑟 (1882-1967) 是美國現代造船業之父,在二次世界大戰期間替美國建造自由輪 (Liberty ship),戰後更跨足製鋁、鋼鐵、汽車、建築工程、房地產業。
- Oct 24 Fri 2014 18:32
Bombed by Yarn 新塗鴉藝術 毛線大轟炸
Bombed by Yarn
新塗鴉藝術 毛線大轟炸
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/
Hobbies have become more than just something to do. They have inspired whole movements and even changed the world. For example, people now farm in the city and crowds suddenly start dancing in the middle of public spaces. Now, knitting is taking center stage. All around the world, public benches, trees, and statues are being yarn bombed. One day they look normal. The next day, they are covered in specially designed yarn suits.
The movement is thought to have been started by Magda Sayeg from Texas. One slow day in 2005, Sayeg knitted a cozy for her shop's door handle. People adored it, and some even jumped out of their cars to get a closer look. Later, she covered a stop sign post down the road.