If you thought that English is the language of the 21st century, think again. In Europe, the future could be Latin.
In the EU, languages are big political business. Each member state fights fiercely for its national tongue, with EU texts routinely translated into all 23 of the bloc’s official languages.
But trouble starts when there is only room to use one word from one language - such as when creating an internet domain name.
English, the EU’s most widespread language, might seem to have the advantage in such questions. But other member states fear that too much English use would cement it as the EU’s unofficial working tongue, a politically impossible position.
"English has become the lingua franca, but we are not allowed to say so," one EU linguist commented.
The EU’s solution has been to find a politically neutral language in the only place it could realistically look: European history.
With Latin at the root of many of the technical, scientific, religious and legal terms in Europe, Virgil’s language is perfectly placed to become the EU’s virtual language.
tongue:名詞,指語言、方言。如My mother tongue is Hakka.(我的母語是客家語。)
Our object is to further cement trade relations.(我們的目標是要進一步加強貿易關係。)
lingua franca:名詞,通常為單數,原為義大利文,意指法蘭克語,現多指結合數種不同語言、以利不同語言族群之間溝通的混合語或通用語,如The international business community sees English as a lingua franca.(國際商務社群視英語為通用語言。)