◎ 英文有 26 個字母,有沒有辦法造個句子來用上全部字母呢 (A to Z Letters in one sentence?)?當然可以,這種玩弄文字的作法,英文稱為 “Pangram”。”Pangram” 的英文解釋如下:
A pangram is a sentence that contains all the letters of the alphabet. Generally, interesting pangrams are short ones, and to construct a sentence including the fewest repeat letters possible is a challenging task.
最著名的 “pangram” 是 : The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog (這隻敏捷的棕色狐狸撲向一隻懶狗) 。這句話包含所有字母,因此常用來測試打字員的打字速度。
* Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. (32 letters)
* Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. (31 letters)
* The five boxing wizards jump quickly. (31 letters)
◎ 迴文 (句中字母彼此對稱) - Palindromes
A palindrome is a sentence that has the same letter order in reverse as it does forward.
Charles Bombaugh 在他的 “Gleanings (拾穗集)” 刊載一句流傳廣泛的迴文 “Able was I ere I saw Elba.” (在見到厄爾巴島之前,我本無所不能。) ”ere” 為 “before” 的古語。這句迴文是指拿破崙以為自己無所不能,終至落敗,被放逐到厄爾巴島去度餘生。中文也有類似的句子「上海自來水來自海上」。
另一則著名迴文是 1948 年 “Leigh Mercer” 向建造巴拿馬運河的工程師 “George Washington Goethals” 表達敬意所說的話 “A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!” (一個人,擬定一項計畫,建造一條運河,巴拿馬運河!)
Are we not drawn onward,
We freer few,
Drawn onward
To new eras aged?