這兩個字發音相同,拼字僅一個字母之差,有時不免搞混,尤其是名詞複數時,一為 canvases,另一為 canvasses,稍一不慎就會把「馮京」看作「馬涼」。所幸,這兩個字的意思截然不同。
Canvas 僅當名詞用,意為「帆布;油畫布;帆布畫;油畫」,如 a canvas bag (帆布袋);We spent two months living under canvas. (我們在帳篷裡住了兩個月) - under canvas 為一英式英語片語,意為「在帳篷裡」(= in a tent);He bought the canvas for one thousand dollars. (他以一千美元買下這幅油畫);The artist showed us her canvases. (那位畫家給我們看了她的油畫)。
Canvass 可當動詞和名詞用。當動詞時,這個字可以是及物或不及物,意為「(向…) 遊說;(為…) 拉票」,如 The president has spent the day canvassing in Kaohsiung. (總統在高雄遊說了一天);He canvassed the district for votes. (他在選區裡拉票);Party supporters were called on to help canvass for their candidate. (該黨的支持者被動員來為候選人拉票);The justice minister has been canvassing support for his new crime bill. (法務部長一直在為新的刑事法案尋求支持)。
除上述外,當動詞用的 canvass 還意為「(廣泛) 徵詢 (意見);詳細或徹底地討論」,如 I’ve been canvassing the views of our members about the suggestions. (我一直在廣泛徵詢會員們對建議的看法);Various possibilities have been canvassed. (各種可能性都有討論)。至於當名詞用的 canvass,意為「遊說;拉票;討論」,如 door-to-door (or house-to-house) canvasses (挨家挨戶的拉票活動)。