


[[群鷹翔航空 劉奇]]
“我為什麼覺得有希望 因為它沒有起火 有沒有爆炸 飛機完整的在上面 (失事原因)在我認為應該是 人為因素比較大 飛太低了”


[[群鷹翔航空 劉奇]]
“(墜機地點)這個地方如果有 一萬英呎的話 就是要比地面少20度 如果是晚上 平地這裡是30度的溫度的話 它們那邊就是只有10度”

大鵬航空董事長特助孫建寧表示, 任何結果還是要經過最精確的調查來釐清。

Investigators who found the plane were stunned to find its wings and fuselage intact, with no signs of an explosion or fire. Damage to the nose of the plane indicates a forced landing. The rough descent and low mountain temperature lowered the chances of the crew’s survival. 

A Dapeng Airlines plane used for aerial photography was discovered on Saturday morning. Photos of the lost plane show that its body is still intact and no flames exploded. The nose was severely damaged while the fuselage and wings were apparently in good condition. This led many to wonder why three individuals had died.

Liu Chi
Great Wing Airlines
I feel so disappointed because there was no fire and no explosion. The largely intact plane gives us cause to believe that human error such as flying too low led to the crash.

It was also reported that a sudden drop in mountain temperatures could have led these three individuals to lose body heat and decrease their chance of survival.

Liu Chi
Great Wing Airlines
If the crash site was located at ten thousand feet above sea level it would be 20 degrees lower. At night if it’s 30 degrees on the plains, it would only be 10 degrees for them.

Dapeng Airlines BN-2 contained aerial photography equipment but did not have a black box that could be recovered to aid in the investigation of the crash. Still the airline promised to undertake a thorough investigation into the cause of this tragic accident.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

    創作者 英倫翻譯社 的頭像

    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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