[[外交部長 楊進添]]
[[行政院長 陳?]]
[[外交部長 楊進添]]
“我們已經請沈大使(沈斯淳) ,以最快的速度回到國內來,就有關釣魚台引起的這些問題,向政府做個詳細的報告,我想最快應該是明天就回國”
Japan’s purchase of the Tiaoyutai Islands also led to strong action from members of the Ma administration. Tokyo’s representative to Taipei was called in for a meeting with the foreign minister and Taiwan’s representative to Japan has been summoned back to give a report.
After the Japanese government announced the purchase of the Tiaoyutai Islands, Foreign Minister Timothy Yang summoned Japan’s top envoy to Taiwan, Sumio Tarui, for a 40-minute conversation.
Timothy Yang
Foreign Minister
Japan seriously infringed upon our territorial sovereignty. I, on behalf of the government and people of the Republic of China, express our strong protest. We absolutely do not accept and absolutely do not recognize these actions by Japan. I strongly urge the Japanese government to immediately withdraw its decision or face the consequences and the full responsibility from such action.
Sean Chen
Under the laws of the Republic of China, the Tiaoyutai Islands are state property, and no individual has the right to buy or sell state-owned property.
Taiwan’s protest also involved calling its representative to Japan, Shen Ssu-tsu, back for a special report.
Timothy Yang
Foreign Minister
We have asked the ambassador to quickly return to Taiwan. We want a detailed report related to the Tiaoyutai issue. I think he can return to Taiwan as early as tomorrow.
Taiwan did not recall its ambassador, a much stronger action which could disrupt potential progress on fishing negotiations.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞