[[日官房長官 藤村修]]
“在今天的閣僚會議上決定,為了維持尖閣諸島的和平和安定,所需要的經費,購買釣魚台 北小島和南小島,動用本年度的預備預算,20億5千萬日圓”
[[日本官房長官 藤村修]]
The Tiaoyutai Islands are just a rocky outcrop lying in the East China Sea. So why is Japan, China and Taiwan all determined to claim to them? Tonight we take a closer look at the history behind this hotly contested area.
The First Sino-Japanese War finished in 1895 with the defeat of the Qing dynasty. In the Treaty of Maguan which ended the war, China ceded Taiwan and nearby islands to Japan. They remained Japanese territory until Japan lost the Second World War. First the Allies issued the Cairo Declaration, a statement of their intent to end the war. Then came the Potsdam Declaration, which laid out the terms of Japan’s surrender. It said, quote, “Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine.”
Japan eventually agreed to the declaration’s terms, but none of these treaties specifically mentions the Tiaoyutai Islands. During the U.S. occupation of Japan, the two countries signed the Treaty of San Francisco in 1951. It officially ended the war but marked the start of new controversy.
Gao Hong
Japan Expert
The United States and Japan unilaterally agreed to the so-called Treaty of San Francisco. In it was a stipulation. Japan asked the United States to administer Okinawa, where there were U.S. bases, along with neighboring areas where U.S. troops were stationed.
The U.S. considered the Tiaoyutai Islands one of those neighboring areas. It returned administrative authority of the rocky outcrops to Japan in 1972, together with Okinawa.
Gao Hong
Japan Expert
We don’t recognize administration of the islands passing to the United States. And of course we opposed what happened after, how the U.S. seized control of the islands near Okinawa, including the Diaoyu Islands, and gave them all to Japan to administer.
So how did ownership of the Tiaoyutai Islands, which the Chinese call the Diaoyus, end up in private hands? After the Maguan Treaty was signed, the Japanese government leased them to a private owner from Fukuoka, Koga Tatsushiro, who was tasked with developing them. At one point there were 200 settlers on the islands. In the 1930s ownership passed to Tatsushiro, and his descendants sold four islets to the Kurihara family of Saitama prefecture in the 1970s.
These transactions were worth tens of millions of yen, a relatively paltry sum. Later, U.N. scientists found abundant oil and natural gas reserves in the nearby sea. The value of the Tiaoyutai Islands skyrocketed. These uninhabited rocky outcrops, covering just over 6 square kilometers, became a hotly contested zone.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞