英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/tuqGbC http://goo.gl/P4909O
a) 鯨類動物
b) 豐富礦藏、意外的幸運
c) 浮游生物
As a country with a distinctive “whale-eating” culture, Japan was ordered by the International Court of Justice on March 31st, 2014 to halt its Antarctic whaling program, which allowed an annual catch of 1,000 whales. However, except for the Antarctica expedition, Japan has been debating whether to conduct two other whaling programs, in which Japan kills minke whales 1) to the tune of 300 a year.
擁有獨特「鯨魚」飲食文化的日本,於2014 年 3 月 31 日被國際法院判決停止南極捕鲸活動,此項活動每年約捕捉 1000 頭鯨魚。然而,除了遠征南極,日本國內還在持續討論是否繼續執行其他兩項捕鲸活動,一年總計捕殺高達 300 頭小鬚鯨。
Japan’s whaling history 2) dates back to the 12th century. Since when, whales have long been an important source of food for Japanese people. During the 19th and 20th century, Japan was highly involved in commercial whaling and many other countries also participated in the industry. Large whales were heavily hunted. It’s estimated that around 66-90% of the whales were removed from the ocean during that period.
日本的捕鲸行為可回溯到 12 世紀。自此之後,鯨魚一直都是日本人重要的食物來源。在19和20世紀,日本積極參與商業捕鲸活動,許多國家也紛紛加入,鯨魚與此時被大量獵殺。據估計,約有66%-90%的鯨魚從海洋中消失。
With the advance of technology in recent years, scientists have begun to gain a better understanding of the valuable roles a) cetaceans play in ocean ecosystems. Some Japanese fishermen have argued that whales eat the fish they try to catch, claiming that whaling is necessary for protecting their fisheries. However, scientists have found that cetaceans can lead to an abundance of marine life and bring more fish to ocean ecosystem. Some even suggest the absence of cetaceans over the past decades may have altered the ecosystem and made it harder for marine organisms to survive.
The research show that “whales help spread nutrients and microorganisms through different marine zones when they feed, often at great depths, and then return to the surface to breathe.” When they migrate long distances to mate, they bring the nutrients with them. “It contributes to feeding B) bonanzas for other creatures thus making important nutrient contributions to waters poor in resources.” What’s more, the materials such as iron and nitrogen in whales’ urine and excrement are considered good fertilizers for C) plankton. Scientists are going to conduct more studies and research in order to “better understand exactly how plankton and other organisms respond to the presence of whales.”