Swimming-Israeli relay sextet set world record open-water mark 以色列泳者6人接力締造開放水域世界紀錄 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 A group of six swimmers have claimed a world record of 380 kilometres for open-water relay distance swimming after crossing the eastern Mediterranean from Cyprus to Israel. 一組6人的游泳隊從塞普勒斯到以色列橫渡東地中海後,奪下在開放水域以接力游完380公里距離的世界紀錄。 The Israeli team left Paphos at the western end of Cyprus on Oct. 5 and set the new mark on Friday when they reached the coast south of Tel Aviv but they remained on their support yacht and came ashore together on Saturday. 這支以色列團隊在10月5日由塞普勒斯西端盡頭的帕福斯啟程,並在週五抵達特拉維夫南岸創下新猷,但他們尚留在援助艇上,週六才一起上岸。 The six men achieved their goal at the second time of asking after aborting an attempt last year due to rough seas. 在去年的挑戰因海象惡劣失敗後,6人在第二次嘗試達成目標。 The swim was completed in 123 hours 10 minutes, the World Open Water Swimming Association said on their website. 世界開放水域游泳協會在其網站上宣佈,泳程以123小時10分鐘完成。 The previous record of 367 kilometres was set by a U.S. sextet off the coast of California last year. 前世界紀錄為美國6人團隊從加州海岸出發所創的367公里。 The six, ranging between 66 and 44, each spent an hour in the water and had to maintain the same rotation for the record to be recognised, said Udi Erell, 66, one of the swimmers. 以色列6人年紀從44歲到66歲之間,每位游1小時並維持同樣的輪流順序,至紀錄被認證,成員之一66歲的烏迪.艾瑞爾說。 |