Coffee as a work of Art 與神奇「拉花」來一場美麗的邂逅吧! 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 Latte art refers to drawing patterns in lattes using milk foam. When a barista pours an espresso just right, thin layers of brown foam will float on top of the espresso, which produces dark brown layers of foam. The pure white milk foam, made by bubbling milk, will float to the top of this brown foam, allowing a talented barista to draw a pattern with the two colors of foam. Some baristas free pour, which means they pour the milk foam directly to form the shapes they want. Other baristas use tools to shape the foam into patterns and designs. 拉花藝術指的是用奶泡在拿鐵咖啡裡畫出各種花樣。當咖啡師恰如其分地倒入一杯濃縮咖啡時,薄薄一層的咖啡色泡沫會浮到濃縮咖啡上面,產生一層深咖啡色的泡沫。由沸騰的牛奶產生的純白色奶泡會浮在這層咖啡色泡沫上,讓才華洋溢的咖啡師用這兩種顏色的泡沫畫花樣。有些咖啡師使用傾倒成形(free pour)的拉花方式,這是指他們直接倒入奶泡去畫他們想要的花樣。其他咖啡師則使用器具使泡沫形成許多花樣和圖案。 |