The Eiffel Tower 艾菲爾鐵塔
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自
The Eiffel Tower, the famous structure standing in the middle of Paris’ Champ de Mars, was first opened on March 31, 1889. Generally considered to be one of the most recognizable pieces of architecture in the world, the Eiffel Tower was named after engineer Gustave Eiffel. It was Eiffel’s construction company that designed and built the tower just as they did the Statue of Liberty in New York City in 1886.
The architectural marvel stands at more than 300 meters high, which made it the tallest standing structure for a brief period of time. Not to mention, the entire iron tower weighs an impressive 7,300 tons. Fifty to 60 tons of paint has to be applied to the structure every now and again to keep it from rusting. There are three floors with a few elevators to help tourists travel up and down the tower.
聳立於巴黎戰神廣場中央的著名建築物 —— 艾菲爾鐵塔 —— 於 1889 年三月三十一日首度對外開放。艾菲爾鐵塔通常被認為是世上最容易指認的建築物之一,它是以設計師古斯塔夫•艾菲爾的名字命名的。這座塔是由艾菲爾的建設公司所設計打造,如同紐約市的自由女神像也是由他們於 1886 年時所設計打造的。