Richard I, became the King of England better known as Richard the Lionheart, this month in 1189. Shortly after he became king, Richard I formed an army and left England to lead the Third Crusade. The Crusades were an effort to take back the holy city of Jerusalem from Muslims. It was here that Richard I became known as Richard the Lionheart for his courage and ability to win on the battlefield. It was also where he spent most of his time as king, spending less than a year in England during his entire rule. Although he was gone for so long, Richard the Lionheart was still seen as a hero for trying to take Jerusalem back.
理查一世,或者是更廣為人知的獅心王理查,在 1189年的九月被加冕為英格蘭國王。在他成為國王後不久,理查一世成立了一支軍隊並離開英格蘭,帶領第三次十字軍東征。十字軍的目的在於從伊斯蘭教徒手中奪回聖地耶路撒冷。因為在十字軍東征時他的膽識和在戰場上獲勝的能力,讓理查一世從此有了獅心王還是因為試圖奪回耶路撒冷而理查的封號。這也是他在當國王的整個統治期間只花了不到一年的時間留在英格蘭的原因。儘管離開了英格蘭很久,獅心王理查被視為英雄。