Pokémon Detective Pikachu
Since its launch in 1996, Pokémon has been a global hit. The brand has sold more than two billion trading cards and made over US$700 million from movies and US$300 million from video games. In addition, its popular app, Pokémon GO, has been downloaded 650 million times. Even if Pokémon went away today, it would still be the most successful media brand in world history. However, fans continue to want more—and they’re in luck, because Pokémon Detective Pikachu is arriving in theaters this month.
自從精靈寶可夢(舊稱為「神奇寶貝」)於 1996 年推出後,它就成了風靡全球的作品。這個品牌已賣出二十多億張集換式卡片,它的電影票房超過七億美元且電玩也賣到三億美元。另外,它極受歡迎的應用程式精靈寶可夢 GO 已被下載了六億五千萬次。即使現在精靈寶可夢消失了,它依然會是全球史上最成功的媒體品牌。不過,粉絲還一直想要更多新的東西—— 他們運氣不錯,因為《名偵探皮卡丘》這個月就要在電影院上映了。.
英倫翻譯社 轉自https://tw.news.appledaily.com/international/daily/20190509/38330925/