The Beautiful and Bizarre Lake Natron
Lake Natron in Tanzania is a large salt lake fed by mineral-rich springs. However, no rivers or streams leave it, and the unique mixture of salts and minerals has a strange effect on animals that die in its waters: they turn into statues.
When an animal dies in the waters of Lake Natron, minerals quickly flood into the dead body, preserving it in a stone-like form. It appears as if these creatures were brought back to life at the magnificent lake where they died. Still, they look as beautiful in death as they did in life.
位於坦尚尼亞的納特龍湖為由富含礦物質的泉水孕育而成的巨大鹹水湖。但卻沒有任何河流及溪水流出這座湖,而鹽與礦物質的獨特結合對死於其水域中的動物有個奇特的影響 ── 牠們會轉化為雕像。