2024/06/19 05:30

Growth in solar and wind power pushed renewable generation to a record 30% of global electricity production in 2023, putting a global target to triple renewable capacity by 2030 within sight, a report by think tank Ember said.


Ember’s Global Electricity Review showed renewable sources provided 30.3% of global electricity last year, up from 29.4% in 2022 as growth in projects, particularly solar, increased capacity.


“The rise in solar capacity that happened during 2023 really unlocks the possibility that we are able to reach that level of renewables by 2030, and the tripling of capacity that was promised at COP28,” Dave Jones, Ember’s director of global insights said in an interview. (Reuters)


within/in sight:片語,在視線範圍內,有希望達成某事。例句:The end of this war is in sight.(這場戰爭結束在望。)

unlock:動詞,開啟,表露。例句:The research may help unlock some of the secrets of the universe.(這項研究或許有助於解開宇宙的一些奧秘。)

英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1652075


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