中英對照讀新聞》Gov’t, parties to form agency on fighting trade war 韓政府、政黨共組機構對抗貿易戰


President Moon Jae-in and leaders of the country’s political parties called on Japan, Thursday, to immediately cancel its export restrictions targeting Korean firms ahead of possible additional trade-related sanctions threatened by Tokyo in the coming weeks.

  • 南韓總統文在寅(右3)18日在總統府「青瓦台」,與包括執政、在野在內的5個政黨黨魁,針對和日本的貿易戰,商討因應對策。南韓第一大黨、執政的「共同民主黨」黨魁、前總理李海瓚和最大在野黨「自由韓國黨」黨魁、前總理、前代理總統黃教安,分坐文的右邊及左邊。(美聯社)



They also agreed to establish a pan-national agency consisting of officials from government and the parties to strengthen cooperation in responding to the looming trade war with Japan. The meeting was the first time Moon had sat down with all party leaders since March 2018.


Moon also requested the parties’ cooperation in swiftly processing an extra budget bill to support companies that are expected to be affected by the restrictions. The LKP’s Hwang called on Moon to reprimand his diplomatic team for their lack of preparedness for the trade war, which could have been predicted months ago.


英倫翻譯社 轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1304699




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