2022/03/21 05:30
Ants have the ability to sniff out cancerous cells in humans, a new study has discovered, suggesting they could be used for cancer diagnosis in future.
Researchers from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) discovered that ant species Formica fusca has a well developed sense of smell.
法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)的研究人員發現,「黑山蟻」(學名:Formica fusca )這種螞蟻品種,嗅覺非常發達。
It was able to differentiate cancerous cells from healthy cells in humans, thanks to their sense of smell, limited trials revealed. But more clinical tests must be carried out before they could be used in clinical settings like hospitals, the team said.
They suggest that in future, ants could turn out to be better at dogs when it comes to locating cancerous cells in humans.
differentiate:動詞,區分。例句:We do not differentiate between our workers on the basis of their background or ethnic origin.(我們不會因為背景或是種族區分員工。)
thanks to:片語,指幸虧、由於。例句:It was thanks to your timely help that I accomplished the task on time.(多虧你及時幫忙,我按時完成了任務。)