2022/05/12 05:30
Conscripts in Norway have been ordered to return their underwear, bras and socks after the end of their military service so that the next group of recruits can use them.
The Norwegian military said that it is struggling with dwindling supplies, in part due to the pandemic.
Until recently, the roughly 8,000 young men and women who every year do their military service returned their outer clothing but were allowed to leave barracks with the underwear and socks they were issued.
Military service is mandatory for both men and women in Norway and lasts between 12 and 19 months.
NATO-member Norway’s national defense magazine, Forsvarets Forum, reported that it was not the first time that the Armed Forces had struggled with such shortcomings, with a spokesman saying it "has been a recurring problem" for years.(AP)
挪威是北大西洋公約組織(NATO)成員,其國防期刊Forsvarets Forum報導,這不是挪威軍隊第一次遭遇物品短缺,一名發言人還表示,這是多年來不斷發生的問題。(美聯社)
recruit:動詞或名詞,招募(新兵、新成員);新兵、新手。例句:Our company will recruit up to a hundred freshmen this year.(我們公司今年會招募多達100名新人。)
dwindle:動詞,減少;縮小。例句:The population of Yunlin County keeps dwindling.(雲林縣人口持續減少。)
recur:動詞,再發生;再現。例句:If the symptoms recur, be sure to revisit your doctor.(若繼續出現症狀,務必再去看醫生。)
英倫轉自: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1516836