2023/07/03 05:30
Dutch King Willem-Alexander apologized Saturday for his country’s role in slavery and asked for forgiveness in a historic speech greeted by cheers and whoops at an event to commemorate the anniversary of the abolition of slavery.
The king’s speech followed Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s apology late last year for the country’s role in the slave trade and slavery. It is part of a wider reckoning with colonial histories in the West that have been spurred in recent years by the Black Lives Matter movement.
In an emotional speech, Willem-Alexander referred back to that apology as he told a crowd of invited guests and onlookers: “Today I stand before you. Today, as your King and as a member of the government, I make this apology myself. And I feel the weight of the words in my heart and my soul.”
The king said he has commissioned a study into the exact role of the royal House of Orange-Nassau in slavery in the Netherlands. (AP)
commemorate:動詞,紀念、緬懷、慶祝。例句:We commemorate those who lost their lives in the war.(我們緬懷那些在戰爭中喪生的人們。)
spur:動詞,激勵,鼓勵,刺激。例句:The manager spurred on his team to try harder.(總教練鼓勵他的隊員繼續多努力一下。)
commission:動詞,委託、安排。例句:The politician commissioned me to write a biography for him.(這位政治人物委託我替他撰寫傳記。)