The growth of Hollywood and the American film industry is an incredible success story. Before Hollywood’s success as a filmmaking center, the eastern US, especially New York City, was where most American movies were made. However, Thomas Edison, who owned most of the patents relating to motion picture cameras, would sue filmmakers that were not licensed to use Edison’s cameras. As a result, many filmmakers moved to California to avoid being sued by Edison. Studios began arriving in Hollywood around 1910, and by 1912, most film companies had established studios in southern California.
好萊塢和美國電影產業的崛起是一個令人驚嘆的成功故事。在好萊塢獲得成功、成為電影製片重地之前,美國東部,尤其是紐約市,曾是美國大部分電影的出產地。然而,湯瑪斯•愛迪生擁有和電影攝影機相關的大部分專利權, 他要控告那些無照使用他的攝影機的製片商。結果,許多製片商遷往加州以避免被愛迪生控告。大約在 1910 年,電影攝影棚開始在好萊塢出現,而大部分的電影公司在 1912 年之前就已經在南加州設立