2023/07/24 05:30
They acknowledge Donald Trump’s dominance, but weary Republicans across New Hampshire — even inside the governor’s office — are fighting to stop the former president from winning the first-in-the-nation primary.
For now, however, they’re relying on little more than hope and prayers.
More than a dozen high-profile Republicans are looking to New Hampshire to help stop Trump’s march toward a third consecutive Republican presidential nomination. But so far, none has cracked the veneer of inevitability that has followed Trump through the early states on the presidential primary calendar despite — or perhaps because of — his mounting legal challenges.
A significant portion of the Republican electorate remains open to a new presidential nominee with less baggage than Trump. But months after many of them entered the race, there is little sign that the former president’s rivals are breaking through. (AP)
high-profile︰形容詞,高知名度的、高調的、備受矚目的。例句︰The country has broken out a series of high-profile corruption cases.(這個國家爆發一連串眾所矚目的貪污案件。)
veneer:名詞,外表、表面的假象。例句:For the first time her veneer of politeness began to crack.(她溫文爾雅的外表第一次露出破綻。)
英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1595526