2024/09/02 05:30

Surgeons perform amputations when traumatic injuries, such as those from war or vehicle accidents, cause significant tissue damage, or in cases of severe infections or diseases. However, humans are not the only species to perform such procedures.


New research shows that some ants perform limb amputations on injured comrades to improve their survival chances. The behavior was documented in Florida carpenter ants - scientific name Camponotus floridanus - a reddish-brown species more than half an inch (1.5 cm) long inhabiting parts of the southeastern United States.

最新研究顯示,一些螞蟻會對受傷的同伴進行截肢,以提升其存活機會。這一行為在佛羅里達州木工螞蟻—學名Camponotus floridanus—中有所記錄,這種紅棕色的物種長達半英寸(1.5公分),棲息於美國東南部的部分地區。

These ants were observed treating injured limbs of their nestmates either by cleaning the wound with their mouthparts or by amputating the damaged limb through biting it off. The choice of treatment depended on the location of the injury.



traumatic:形容詞,(經歷)痛苦難忘的,造成精神創傷的。例句:Our journey home was pretty traumatic.(我們歸途中不太順心。)

document:動詞,記錄、記載。例句:Those days on the sea have been well-documented in the shop’s log.(航海日誌詳細記載那些在海上的日子。)

英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1664896

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    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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