2024/09/11 05:30
NASA announced Wednesday that cost overruns and delays have forced it to cancel its VIPER moon rover program, marking a significant setback for the agency’s lunar exploration program.
The Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) was intended to explore the lunar south pole in search of ice and other resources.
"Decisions like this are never easy," said Nicky Fox, NASA’s associate administrator of the science mission directorate.
"But in this case, the projected remaining expenses for VIPER would have resulted in having to either cancel or disrupt many other missions."
The mobile robot, which NASA had hoped would venture into the Moon’s permanently shadowed craters, where ice reserves have endured for billions of years, was originally planned to launch in 2023. (AFP)
overrun:名詞,超出預期的成本或時間。例句:The project had a budget overrun of $10000.(這項專案預算超支1萬美元。)
venture:動詞,冒險、冒險進入(未知或危險的地方)。例句:The students ventured into the forest to study plants.(學生冒險進入這片森林研究植物。)
英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1666384
- Sep 11 Wed 2024 15:58
NASA cans lunar rover after spending $450 million building it 美國國家航空暨太空總署取消花了4.5億美元打造的月球探測車計畫