


“The world doesn’t stand still and we don’t deserve to be where we are unless we stay ahead of things and take the necessary steps to remain competitive.”

– Fred Deluca, Subway Co-founder

「這世界不是靜止不動,我們不該在現在位罝,除非我們讓自己領先,並採取必要行動來維持競爭力。」 弗雷德德盧卡 (潛艇堡創辦人)


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There is a new trend in town called the ugly food movement. Usually rejected by the common grocery store shopper for more beautiful items, these strange-looking foods are being sold with great success. Is there a flaw or maybe some bruise that the fruit or vegetable has? Not to worry, it still has the same taste and nutrition inside that its betterlooking counterparts have. Ugly food is taking a stand at the supermarket at cheaper prices with cute little stories to appeal better to customers.



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“A No uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a Yes merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.”


– Mahatma Gandhi, Statesman

「為了最深的信念而說出的『不』,比為了討好別人甚至躲避麻煩,而說出的『是』更好更佳。」甘地 (政治家)



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Many Asian cultures celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. In Taiwan, it is a public holiday when people gather for a number of traditional activities. On clear nights, people look at the moon and tell stories. Popular stories include one of the versions of Chang’er’s tale, the woodcutter who has to chop down trees as a punishment, or a tale of a rabbit making magic medicine. It is also common to gather with family members and friends to barbecue outside.


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“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.”

– Salvador Dali, Artist

「聰明但沒有抱負,有如沒有翅膀的鳥。」薩爾瓦多·達利 (藝術家)


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