
Following on from such beloved classics as "Up" and "Toy Story," "Brave" is the latest movie from renowned animation studio Pixar. Featuring a lively cast and amazingly detailed scenes depicting stunning Scottish scenery, this film is sure to dazzle audiences when it is released in Taiwan on June 22.


Brave is the story of redheaded Princess Merida, set in the Scottish Highlands kingdom of DunBroch. A custom-defying and spirited young woman, she prefers archery and riding in the woods to being the gentle, ladylike princess she is expected to be — much to the frustration of her mother, Queen Elinor.


When her father, King Fergus, wants her to marry one of the sons of his lords for political reasons, she openly defies her land's customs. When this decision causes controversy throughout the kingdom, she turns to an eccentric old witch for help and is granted one wish. However, her family and the kingdom become cursed by a spell that is part of this ill-fated wish and Merida must discover the meaning of true bravery in order to undo the curse.

《勇敢傳說》是皮克斯作品中首部以女性為主人翁的電影作品,公司要求台灣流行樂團 S.H.E 三位女歌手中的 Selina 為梅瑞妲公主配音。

As "Brave" is Pixar's first film with a female protagonist, the movie company asked Selina Jen, one-third of Taiwanese pop music sensation S.H.E, to dub the voice of the film's heroine Merida.

總是帶著一身公主氣質的 Selina 在最近舉行的記者會上以一襲蘇格蘭長裙和皮手套現身,為她在片中配音的角色宣傳。雖然 Selina 過去有為電影配音的經驗,但這是她首次為重量級動畫的女主角配音。

Selina, who has always had the style of a princess, appeared at a recent press event in a Scottish gown and black leather gloves to promote her role in the film. Although she has dubbed roles in movies before, this is the first time she has voiced the protagonist of a major animated film.

有人問 Selina,她自己和主角梅瑞妲是否有相似之處。她說:「我想我們兩人都是勇氣十足的人。梅瑞妲想向她的傳統文化挑戰,並尋找她個人的生活方式。我覺得我也一樣。」

When asked whether she shared any similarities with her character Princess Merida, Selina replied, "I think both of us are very courageous. Merida wants to challenge her traditional culture and find her own way in life, and I think I am the same."

雖然 Selina 這次沒辦法和 S.H.E 其他兩名成員Hebe 和 Ella 合作,但沒有另兩人作伴,她並不覺得寂寞,原因是她的親生父親將和她在本片中合作,替她的銀幕父親福格斯王配音。

Although she did not get to work with the other members of S.H.E on this occasion, Selina stated that she didn't feel lonely without Hebe and Ella beside her because her father also joined her on the project, voicing her on-screen dad King Fergus.

記者針對兩人參與本片配音工作的問題提問,Selina 的父親任先生回答:「Selina 很幸運,生來就有一副好嗓子。導演誇她聰明,表演充滿情感,讓我很自豪。」任先生對於自己的表現則語帶保留,認為導演的協助是他能夠成完成工作的主因之一。

When asked about their participation in the project, Mr. Jen stated, "Selina was very lucky to have been born with a great voice, and I felt very proud when the director praised her performance as intelligent and full of emotion." He did, however, have reservations about his own performance, citing the help he received from the director as a key component in helping him finish the project.

片中的梅瑞妲是個少女,不時會有叛逆傾向,所以母女之間的關係相當緊張。Selina 也承認自己十幾歲時也有過叛逆行為,不過她說,父親比媽媽還嚴厲。她父親也承認這一點,並說:「假如可以讓我從頭來過,我不會那麼嚴厲地管教她。」

In the film, Merida, being an adolescent, has a tendency to rebel from time to time, and there is some tension between her and her mother. Selina has admitted to some rebellious behavior of her own in her teenage years, but says that her father was stricter than her mother. Her father acknowledged this, and stated that, "If I could do it over again, I would be less strict with her."

無論如何,任先生有一個堅強能幹的女兒,令他成了一個自豪的父親。千萬不能錯過 Selina 和她的父親讓皮克斯最新動畫魔法中要角活靈活現地登場!

Regardless, there is no doubt that he is a very proud father with a strong and capable daughter. Be sure to check out Selina and her father as they give life to some of the main characters in Pixar's latest piece of movie magic.



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