(A) 僵化/(B) 強制/(C) 激增
The election of a Socialist, François Hollande, as France’s new president, is causing a rethink in Brussels. There is certainly a change of rhetoric about a growth compact. But in substance, the change may be rather modest.
Romano Prodi, the tenth president of the European Commission, once (1) created a stink when he declared the euro zone’s budget rules were too rigid. With the ongoing of the euro zone’s debt crisis from 2010 to now, the response has been to try to make them (A) stiffer.
第10任歐元區執委會主席Romano Prodi曾大肆抱怨歐元的預算規則不具任何彈性。然而歐債危機從2010年延燒至今,這些歐洲政府回應Prodi言論的作法卻是讓規則更為僵化。
At Germany's insistence, the euro zone gave the commission more powers to monitor and enforce deficit limits. Almost all members of the European Union were (B) dragooned into signing up to the fiscal compact, a new treaty requiring then to adopt binding balanced-budget rules, preferably in their constitutions.
When Francois Hollande (2) waded into the euro zone debt crisis after taking office as French president, his push for a new focus on growth over austerity was widely welcomed, except in Berlin.
Several weeks later, (C) ballooning bank woes in Spain and political turmoil in Greece have taken the debate on the crisis to a new level that has left Hollande (3) in deeper water than he imagined and will test his political and diplomatic skills (4) to the full.
(1) create a stink 抱怨、批評
除了 create a stink,也可以將動詞替換成 raise 和 make。stink原來意思是惡臭,俚語中當「糾紛」或「大吵大鬧」的意思。
Ex: We still don’t understand why he keeps creating a stink about his college life. 我們還是不能理解為何他可以持續抱怨他的大學生活。
(2) wade into 認真開始著手、精神奕奕地處理
wade原意是涉水走過,引申為「積極介入、嘗試挽回」或「干預」。into 也可使用 in。延伸得更強烈一點,有「抨擊」的意思。
Ex: The new CEO waded into laying off employees to restore the dwindling profit. 新上任的執行長認真執行人力縮減,以挽救日漸下滑的獲利。
(3) in deep water 身陷困境
Ex: Because of the inappropriate speech, she has made herself in deep water. 因為那份不恰當的言論 ,她讓自己身陷困境。
(4) to the full 充分地
副詞,等於 completely 以及 entirely。
Ex: He decided to complete the plan to the full. 她決定充分地執行先前被終止的計畫。
文章出處:世界公民 College