
Q:若不知某人的性別,那麼該用那個代名詞來指涉呢? 另外,everybody, anybody, somebody 等的正確代名詞又是什麼呢?

A:以前若是不知某人的性別,我們都使用 he 來指涉,如 If I find the person who has stolen my iPad, I’ll wring his neck! (如果讓我找到那個偷我 iPad 的人,我會扭斷他的脖子!)。但這樣的用法現在往往被視為性別歧視。現今可能的作法之一是使用 "he or she" (這是主格,其受格為 him or her,而所有格為 his or her;但它們也可以且往往寫成 he/she, him/her, his/her) 或 "(s)he",但這看起來或聽起來都怪怪的。例如:


  • A baby cries when he or she is tired. (嬰兒累了就會哭)
  • If a student is absent because of illness, (s)he should call in sick. (如果學生因病缺席,他或她應打電話請病假)
  • If in doubt, ask your teacher. He/she can give you more information. (如果拿不定主意,可以問你的老師。他或她可以給你更多資訊)

這些寫法迄今仍不時用於正式寫作或書面文件中,但目前一般比較喜歡的作法是使用 they (them 或 their),尤其是在非正式談話中,即使所指涉的是單數名詞亦然。例如:

  • If a student is absent because of illness, they should call in sick. (如果學生因病缺席,他們應打電話請病假)

這些結構相當常用,尤其在 everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, nobody 以及「every, each, no + 單數的人 (如 person, child, boy, girl 等)」 之後,它們的代名詞通常使用 they (them 或 their)。例如:

  • Everyone should take their belongings with them. Don’t leave them on the shuttle bus. (每個人都應隨身帶著他們的物品。別把它們留在交通車上)
  • Does everybody know what they want? (每個人都瞭解他們想要什麼嗎?)
  • Somebody’s left their wallet here. (有人把他們的錢包留在這裡)
  • If anybody/anyone comes, ask them to wait. (要是有人來,叫他們等著)
  • Nobody plans to go on a trip to Phnom Penh, do they? (沒有人打算到金邊旅遊,對吧?)
  • Every student in the English class must have their own textbook. (英語班的每個學生都要有自己的課本)


  • Somebody has left her umbrella on the shuttle bus. Could she please come and collect it? (有人把她的傘留在車上。可以請她來拿回去嗎?)

然而,即使性別已知,我們也經常使用 they (them 或 their),尤其是在泛稱的敘述中。例如:

  • No girl under the age of 18 should be allowed to drink alcohol, or perhaps someday they will become a heavy drinker. (未滿 18 歲的女孩不應被允許喝酒,否則有朝一日她們可能成為酗酒者)
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